Polka-dot set
dotted rug 1600
dotted wallpaper 1840 3440
bed 2400
chair 2400
clock 2400
closet 2400
dresser 2400
lamp 2400
low table 2400
sofa 2400
stool 2400
table 2400
tv 2400 = 29,840 + fee = 30,000 Deal or no deal?
Sweets set
bed 99k
bookcase 99k
chair 99k
closet 99k
dresser 99k
floor 99k
lamp 99k
minilamp 99k
minitable 99k
player 9k
sofa 99k
table 99k
wallpaper 99k = 1,287,000
- sweets bookcase 99K
- sweets wallpaper 99k = 1,119,000 bells now
Sorry, you know how characters just plopp down their houses right onto your items on the ground, well that is what happened.