• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.
Nerd House

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  • May I ask how long I took to get your first eshop card from the time you opened your thread? (I'm trying to get Amazon cards but kinda expect to wait a long time till anyone replies).
    I'm hoping if she decides to actually quit and the prizes are awarded that if she decides to come back later that everyone will give her all of the things back :c
    o: owh my!! *clap clap clap* what bravery!! its a pleasure to meet such character!
    please tell me a tale or two from your adventures! :D
    Don't worry about the bell exchange, you seem to be swamped with your other stuff and it seems like you don't really have the time/and we're on at different times.
    And it looks like I may be forced to give up 60+ hours of time and effort I sunk into Bravely Default... I rushed to the final chapter and now I can't beat the first boss there.

    I can take the first stage fine, its the second stage that wipes me out because of the speed and magic attack spam that I die in two to three turns(and, of course, I'm locked on the airship until the boss is defeated; so I'm pretty much screwed unless I can find some high power friends[like above the 9999k power limit as they pretty much need to be able to help me take the boss down really fast].

    I've tried using a Defencive Templar/Spirit Master job combo for the Enigma; but he just got charmed on turn four and my party was killed off by turn 6. If I could slow the boss's speed and weaken the magic attack power I could probably win.. but I'd be forced to sacrifice too much attack power to do so.
    225 please (^-^) Could we trade in like 20 minutes, I'm just going to pick up some thing from the Supermarket
    Hiya, your Sylveon is ready! I think I've still got your Friend Code, your ING is Mike, right?
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