Recent content by Nerd

  1. Nerd

    Do you have any pets in the game? Any bugs, fish, or sea creatures?

    I collect pill bugs :3 I have some irl and they're my funky little dudes I love them to bits!
  2. Nerd

    (Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

    If anyone wants frita she's in boxes totally free. just pm me
  3. Nerd

    Giveaway  Frita in boxes

    I'd like her gone asap! if anyone wants her, she's free. just pm me ^^
  4. Nerd

    (Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

    looking for lily! I have tons of NMT :0
  5. Nerd

    Trading  Fauna LF: Cookie or Lily

    I'm trading fauna for cookie or lily only!!! unfortunately I almost had cookie but my game glitched and she didn't move in :( so I'm on the hunt again.
  6. Nerd

    Trading [FT] Lily, Fauna [LF] Raymond/NMT/Bells

    id really like lily but I have to get rid of someone first ;; i can def offer nmt or bells!
  7. Nerd

    (Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

    LF cookie! tried to get her from my gf's island but the game didn't save and it said she already moved out :( she's the last dreamie I need. I can offer nmts or bells!!
  8. Nerd

    Art - Converting discontinued villagers to NL/PC style

    so cute !!! makes me sad she isnt in the game : (
  9. Nerd

    Art - Converting discontinued villagers to NL/PC style

    you're doing god's work out here (may I request sunny the frog ☀)
  10. Nerd

    [OPEN] Art for NL/NH [Semi-PWYW]

    hi! im interested in a couple pieces from you if possible 👀 i can offer gold nuggets~ or igb if you'd prefer that!
  11. Nerd

    A Nook Miles Ticket Rant

    duping is still definitely a thing if you have a switch on custom firmware and nintendo will never be able to stop that. however, in order to then use the duped items for a trade online, you'd need a second switch system which most people I don't think have...unless you're willing to risk...
  12. Nerd

    How to make villagers move out?

    You should see it right away when you walk around. I started testing this method with 30 days ahead instead of 15 and it worked even better. About 80% of the time I had someone try to move out right when I TTd 30 days. Other times it was raining so I skipped day by day until someone asked to...
  13. Nerd

    How to make villagers move out?

    The method OP linked worked for me! After skipping 15 days, I just go day by day until I see someone with a bubble. It usually happens about the 2nd or 3rd day after but apparently it can take up to 10.
  14. Nerd

    Selling Cherry Blossom Pochettes, Extra DIY Recipes [Buying] Nook Miles Tickets, etc

    you can come pick up! i can pm u my dodo code yes! i have more. ill send u my code
  15. Nerd

    Selling Diana [Buying] Beau, Zucker

    unfortunately only zucker ;; im srry!!