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  • sorry, I was out. you've probably already adopted a villager... but if you haven't hamlet is still availble tonight for the next few hours. going to continue cycling in a few hours
    your messages are full.
    and unfortunately an hour isn't ok. I need to go to sleep. I have my gates open now if you can trade now but if not then I cannot go forward with this trade. sorry.
    Yep I still got them. I'm currently working on getting my 9th villager moving in at a good spot, so it may take today and a little bit of tomorrow to move Stitches out (he's priority now... if I'm not sick of trying to get Stitches to move out first I'll go ahead and get Maple your way too, of course unless Maple wants to go first). I'm not too sure how trading villagers works though, but I assume following this guide and then visiting your town before he moves out will work.

    Got anything to offer? FYI I"m looking for the following villagers:
    Kid Cat

    If you don't have any of them, Bells or mannequins will also work.
    Hello :D if you'd like Marshal you will have to bid for him!

    Disregard that! Just saw your post <3
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