
Hi all! I'm Bradley, a long-time fan of Animal Crossing. I played the Gamecube version way back in the day and didn't have any clue what I was doing, and unfortunately that town has been lost to time.

Somehow, I never managed to play Wild World or City Folk, but I did play New Leaf like crazy in college. My original town, Rustboro, only lasted about 5 months before I was unhappy and deleted it. The next town, Forina, was created in September 2013 and I still have that town to this day. It's gone through a lot of changes but it holds a special place in my gaming heart.

New Horizons has been an incredibly important game to me, and it really got me through the pandemic. I still have my first island, Taco Bell, however it is on my second island that I really consider it "home." St. Jude, the island I created for villagers that no one else wanted, became my own virtual sanctuary that I could retreat to when the real world was too much. I still consider it that, and will always value the 1000+ hours of enjoyment it has brought me.

I also play Pokémon, Apex Legends, and Sims. My other interests include writing, reading, making Excel documents, and spending time with my partner and our dogs ♥
January 30
somewhere, tired of the NH & NL comparisons lmao
NH - Island Name
St. Jude
NH - Character Name
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
NL - Character Name
NL - Town Name