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  • I could probably sell it on kijiji and get some of my money back since I got it yesterday. I did check and the closest area is an hour drive to some walmart in the middle of nowhere. I could probably go there but it's winter here :/

    And yea
    **** bestbuy for not having enough of the bundle /: I actually saw one on the customer service counter that I think was reserved and I literally wanted to punch the person who reserved it
    I might actually get smash so I can smesh u :p I'd imagine the controls would be the same if I used my ds as the controller
    Yea can't wait! I actually might get smash because I still see a bunch of people playing it still. Also the gamepad is huge af in my tiny hands
    I am a poor potato and don't have either yet. I was going to get the smash splat bundle but it sold out so they sold the mk8 bundle for the sale price instead. I'll probably get splatoon in a few days but smash might be awhile since I have it on the ds. My name is the same as my forum name
    hi piichniu what r you thank you for on the happy today is very much a heart warm how r u
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