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  • Oh cool! So I order now and then when a slot opens I will be put on there straight away?
    Hi! I can't wait for a slot to open on your art thread! Your art is SO cute!! <3 <3
    Sorry I couldn't properly list all the things for pay xD Here's what I can get you:

    1.5 mil bells
    Treasure Chest
    Lily-pad table
    blue pinwheel
    cyan pinwheel
    buffet server

    Are these okay? ;v;
    Thanks so much for your help with Bluebear :) I'll start working on getting space for her, and will PM you when I'm prepared to take her :) I'll try to make it no later than Tuesday! (I'm off work then)
    Hiii!!! :D I love the art you did so much :D The little icon doesn't do it justice at all!
    yay! :D I stayed up to 1:22am (didnt even notice the time went by) and was just going to get off and you came on! <3333 tell me when gates are open and ill drop your stuff off lovely <3333333
    hello! i've got your golden fishing rod + throwing beans + morning glory ready in my town, message back when you want me to drop it off =D
    You're very welcome <3 Aw~ I'm happy I made you smile! You're a fantastic artist ^ u ^
    omg marshal is such a joy!!
    had him for a day and all I did all day long was stalk him and I think I wrote like 22 letters to him today XD
    when I had visitors over today, I kept repeating "ALL HAIL MARSHAL" while following behind him and cthrowing beans at him everytime I said that through the chat bubble thing and I legit think I annoyed the crap out of my visitors LOOL
    yay! im so glad you enjoy them! XD <3 no problem! I just had my very first conversation with Marshal and he called me a sweetheart *Dies*
    tysm and ill be sleeping now lovely! <333 XD have a great night! my night is already great since Marshal moved in <3
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