Recent content by PKMNRULES!

  1. P

    Join my forums, get gmail!

    There's still four invites left! Get em' while you can!
  2. P

    AW2, which is your favorite kind of war?

    Well, I'm not sure you would lose, because I usually need to retry most campaign mode mission about three or more times. But, despite the six star difficulty of Sinking Feeling, I beat it with only one or two retries. I know I'm getting better, but I tend to move without too much thought of the...
  3. P

    AC88888 3/18/05

    As you may know, NOA HQ opens in about 165 minutes, and moot starts in about 225 minutes. We've got our alliance of about nine people. Unfortunally, I can give a 99% guarntee that at least one person won't be able to make it. Me. My brother's birthday party is today, and it starts at exactly...
  4. P

    AW2, which is your favorite kind of war?

    I'm gonna have to go with all out war. I always seem to win those. ;)
  5. P

    Join my forums, get gmail!

    I see. I hope you get some time to get to do the things you enjoy most in life. Hopefully, that's administrating these forums!
  6. P

    Ideas for Anvance Wars

    I don't know about the 50 times less nerdy, but it's about 500 times more fun, and 500 times less boring. (heh heh, same thing)
  7. P

    Join my forums, get gmail!

    Please, people. I'm in serious need of members. Take a look for yourself.
  8. P

    Join my forums, get gmail!

    Alright, the next five TBT users to join will get a gmail invite, if you want one. Five gmail invites will be given out, no matter what, meaning, if you join and don't want one, then the invite that would be yours would go to another person joining.
  9. P

    Join my forums, get gmail!

    Storm, Bulerias, you two DO know that this means you can be admins at my forums, right?
  10. P

    Join my forums, get gmail!

    So, in other words, none?
  11. P

    Join my forums, get gmail!

    Sure...what powers do you have here that regular members don't?
  12. P

    Join my forums, get gmail!

    Alright, whatever your status here, (mod, sage, etc.) you will have it the same way on my forums if you join. So, if you're a sage here, you become a sage there!
  13. P

    Join my forums, get gmail!

    I've moved! My new (not to mention way better than my older one) forums are here.
  14. P

    Ideas for Anvance Wars

    RPG? HAH! That's the FARTHEST from correct you can possibly get! Anyway, it's one of the best strategy games to ever hit the shelves. It's turn-based, and slightly unrealistic, but most of the stuff in the game could be done in a real war. Think of it as chess, just fifty times more complex and...