Hi, my name's Davin and I'm a guy who has enjoyed Animal Crossing since the days of the localized GameCube Animal Crossing. I'm also a ROM researcher, which is similar to ROM hacking except that I mainly research the ROMs and do some editing to them for experiments.
I've also been into the Pokémon franchise since I first began playing video games, Pokémon Yellow was my first ever video game that I got.
- Birthday
January 23
- Location
Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia
- Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
- 3823-8538-7672
- NL - Character Name
- Calem
- NL - Town Name
- Coasting
- NL - Dream Address
- 7900-2225-9509
- Nintendo Network ID
- PlatinumLucario
- Playstation Network ID
- SilverRiolu