Recent content by polarpoppunk

  1. polarpoppunk

    Giveaway CLOSED - Giving Away DIYS & Recipes

    this is awesome, thank you! im looking to snag: Deer scare Golden toilet Gong Grass skirt Hanging terrarium Jungle wall peach surprise box shell partition you can drop off at my island~ lmk what times are best for you
  2. polarpoppunk

    Is the animal crossing hype...gone?

    Hi all! I am not necessarily a new member, but I haven't been on since my New Leaf days (years ago) and figured since I'm just now building up my Island - might as well re-introduce! My Island is called "Little Bea" and is in the Northern Hemisphere! My villager/player name is 'Maizie' :) I've...
  3. polarpoppunk

    Selling Purrl in boxes-SOLD

    sweet! i can come by now actually if that works :)
  4. polarpoppunk

    Selling Purrl in boxes-SOLD

    hello! i’m just sort of starting out in new horizons so i don’t have too much, but i can offer 10 nmts!
  5. polarpoppunk

    sorry for the late reply! I am ready whenever you are! :)

    sorry for the late reply! I am ready whenever you are! :)
  6. polarpoppunk

    Selling Hayleigh's Villager Shop!

    May I please buy Mathilda if she is still available?
  7. polarpoppunk

    if annalisa is still available I will take her!

    if annalisa is still available I will take her!
  8. polarpoppunk

    Looking For dreamies!!

    i would love her! I can come get her now if you'd like!
  9. polarpoppunk

    gates are open! ready when you are

    gates are open! ready when you are
  10. polarpoppunk

    gates open!

    gates open!
  11. polarpoppunk

    Giveaway Hybrids!

    sounds good! I am finishing a trade real quick then I will message you!
  12. polarpoppunk

    Trading Trading my 3 purple tulips for 3 lucky clovers

    okay great! my town or yours?
  13. polarpoppunk

    Trading Trading my 3 purple tulips for 3 lucky clovers

    I can trade the clovers to you!
  14. polarpoppunk

    Giveaway Hybrids!

    yes! adding you now!