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  • Thanks for the gifts. Glad you were able to get Beardo despite my unpredictable schedule.

    Sorry for the wait. Here was my reply:

    Sorry for the delay. Opening the gate to Koriko in one minute (or less). If you do not see the gate by then, please let me know and I will re-open. I will keep the gate open for you, so take your time. And if I miss you, no worries; I will hold onto Beardo for you.

    Edit: By the way, so long as you see my gate, which should be open when you return, you can get Beardo, even if I am away at the time. In that case, you would just have to take the train back when done.
    Beardo is 'in boxes.' Let me know when you are available. In the mean time, I will add your FC.
    In case you miss my reply, yes, Beardo is still available, and I will VM you when he is 'in boxes.' Please just be aware that I do not reserve, so he goes to whoever asks first (not that he is a popular villager, so your chances are good).
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