Primarina - Order ready
aurora screen 4080
aries rocking chair 4800
autumn-leaf chair 4440
Bubblegum K.K. 3200
candy house 6000
capricorn ornament 4800
capsule-toy machine 1480
carriage 8000
ceramic hot pot 1000
circle banner 1200
clerk's shirt 420
crane game 1680
dala horse 1200
diver's hood 600
dollhouse 2000
dolly 6800
emperor's cap 1320
eraser sofa 23760
fireworks table 4320
flamenco hat 1600
flashy-flower sign 1200
gemini closet 4800
general's fan 1600
general's stool 1200 = 91,500
iceberg 6000
kadomatsu 2580 = 100,080 + fee = 109,000 (26)
Respond to this VM and add this FC 4957-7402-8737 when you are ready for delivery