• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Hi! I sent you a PM, but I'm not sure which you'd check most frequently. :) Olivia has finally settled on a moving date! Let me know when you'd like to pick her up.
    Hello! Would you still be interested in Genji? He's just announced a moving date, and if you're still willing to pay 10 mil, I'll TT him into boxes!
    she is still reserved for you, and i will hold her for you, if you find another one let me know so i can take her off hold :)
    dont know if something is wrong with my game, Ankha pinged three more times and after I say the bye option (vs the stay one), she decides to stay... It is a bit frustrating on my part. I dont think this will work out. If i can get her to finally get in boxes I will let you know, but if not, i suggest you try with someone else. Sorry.
    Good morning!
    Tom! I don't want anything in return! Forget about it, please! Haha.
    Seriously, I'm just super happy that I was able to help. :blush:
    I'll open my gates now, I have the evening. ;) I can give you the money back once I have the badge.
    Wow, that's not the amount I've been expecting, haha.
    But I could give you that much c: It might take a while to drop them off, though.
    Haha, just tell me how much you still need. ;)
    I'm always happy to help out!
    Do you still have got time in about 30-40 minutes?
    Hi Tom! :blush:
    Aww, that's very kind and considerate of you!
    But I've got another idea. You can keep the 300 TBT bells or sell them to someone else and I'll just give you the 5 million for free. c;
    Or how much do you need? Still striving for the golden badge?
    Thank you for the offer, but I've managed to find Jitters going and now he's a member of my town! c:
    I will still drop off your photo frame at some point though ^^
    I just looked though your wishlist to see if I had any of the items, the only one that I have is the digital-photo frame. But I'd happily give it to you! c:
    Thank you so much! That would be great. I don't understand why he's so under appreciated, I really want him! Thank you again. c:
    Ooh, congrats! : D I'm really glad it worked out for you! And so soon, too. o: Towns look sooo much better when they're green.

    Sorry about your house bald spot. o: It's technically avoidable, but it requires removing the safety net of using the 3DS clock to TT. I couldn't in good conscience recommend that method to you for your first (and maybe only) TTing excursion.
    No problem at all! : D If it helps you out, then it was worth it.

    Do feel free to VM or PM me if you get to any of the steps and have questions/are unsure about what to do next. I'm usually online after work around 5PM PST, and I'll reply to anything you may have as soon as I see it. :)
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