• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Hi! Haha I'm not the only one who watched DP here, since I saw a few users with Decim on their sig /avatar :D I love the OP and both characters so I had to have them on my sig heheh
    Korra gets better each season, uhh. Season 1 and Season 2 were my least favorites, I didnt care for Season 2 at all. But Season 3 and Season 4 are much better. season 4 you finaaly see toph- squeel-
    Hey- you wrote a visitor messaged that said you wanted Whitney. Are you sure I didn't offer you Erik, Stitches or Marina? I haven't had Whitney in ages
    I just hoped better for her, Maybe she could be come a bit nicer and her and zuko could start anew or something. Korra personality sucks ohgod, her characater developed but it isnt like Zukos, it develops a bit slow and it isnt until like season 4 when I started to actually like her but then i disliked her a little again xD< Korra is good because the other character are awesome, Asami, Boalin, mako Tenzen and his Children, You will like Uh, Tenzen daughter Jinora. Oh Zu-lie and Varrick were a awesome pair xD
    Ohmygod, That hair I couldn't but then he turned into a major Hawtie xD. It was Ashame what happened to Azula charcater. She was freakin crazy but I did always hope for the better in her, I understand shes always sadistic but you feel a bit sorry for her. I happy Zuko charcater developed so nicely not to mention Aang's Development was lovely. Probably why I disliked Korra so much, She was so Stubborn and Actions before thinking. Total opposite of the Aang we spent 3 years learning to love and Cherish @_@ dam you Korra
    The whole "I MUST RESTORE MY HONOR SO SENPAI( Daddy) NOTICES ME", I'm sorry bby zuko but you were annoying
    When someone tells me they dislike Avatar but only ever seen the first season I make them watch it with me XD, The first season was the most boring but Season 2 was so much better with Toph and then Season 3 with Zuko - drools a little- xD
    Fma and Last Airbender are probably the only shows i've rewatched like 4 or 6 times xD I love those 2 amazing shows <3
    ohmygod, I'm such a butt. I got side tracked ;_____________________________; Shes still availale if you're here
    Eh, mixed feelings. I like the fact I know if I'm giving away a villager for free that is popular they wont go around and resell them >.<, But I know lots of people dont have signature so it can be frustrating
    D: Thats the worse,I remember I won Merengue in a giveaway but I got on 10 minutes after she gave her away. Some people were salty at me because I didnt have merengue in my "Dreamie list" even though I liked her but didnt have a signature ;n;
    If you get online before someone offers for Marshal, he is yours for 150 tbt ;o;. Vm/pm me
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