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  • Oh dear, please don't apologise! I'm sorry if I kept you up- get your rest now :) You're such a doll I can't thank you enough for your infinite patience! I will let you know when I get on and keep my fingers crossed c:
    It looks like it didn't work :( If you don't mind time travelling, we can try in the morning. I shall get on around 11a.m. eastern american time and I will be on for a while so hopefully things will sort out then ^-^

    ---Visited your dream town btw, it's so beautiful <3
    Do we get gold medals for this? I think we should get gold medals ;)
    Noooooooo it still isn't working and I am so sad! I have no idea what's going on, we've literally tried everything DX Do you have any more ideas? :c
    Unfortunately it still isn't connecting, it stops as soon as the train is to arrive. Thanks, Porter. -_- Hehe. I hate to ask, but is it possible for you to try resetting your wi-fi? If that doesn't help I'm not sure what else to do :(
    Omg! I can imagine... anytime you have a bad day and someone asks what's wrong you can just grumble "Porter" under your breath XD Okay! If you don't mind when can try that one last time and if it doesn't work I'll turn my DS off and give it a time out for a little bit :|
    Hahaha! Everything bad that happens, blame Porter ;) I can't look at his face now without laughing.

    Still having connection issues but I shall not give up trying!
    Just letting you know that I was able to get Grizzly for my brother, thanks a ton for the offer though! Have a wonderful day! ^^
    Thank you very much! Another person has messaged me about him, I will let you know if I am able to get him before he pings you.
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