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  • haha you don't have to do that.
    i just thought it would have been fun to discuss what you thought about it is all.
    i don't know many people who've truly seen it.
    yeah your signature is from a japanese short film called Kotonoha no Niwa, the english name is "the garden of words." it's really beautiful and the animation is so so so so enhanced and breathtaking. haha. i thought you were a fan of it, but i forget that some people just find things and don't know what they're from. that's still cool haha. nice to meet you as well.
    Kotonoha no Niwa is such a beautiful short film, the artwork is so beautiful.

    oh sorry this seems random, i saw you in the letters to someone thread and had to comment haha.
    I did!! Salsa fanfic though . They're asking for the phanfiction tbh.
    Sure! Let's hope the librarians are fans lol
    Netball. My legs are going to freeze and I'm this close to forging an excuse not lmao.
    Benchball indoors if it rains though
    I kinda like history though. I never really get history homework
    Btw on Tuesday can I pair up with you in PE? Amy says she wants to go with me but you know what she's like. She'll (thankfully) fund someone else to go with lmao
    Probably library. It's getting kinda cold out. Bring in your lunch and we can chill!
    Plus I probably need to finish my French.
    I'm kinda doing it now fml
    meh, it's ok. I'm using the revision guide. Hope ms. Doesn't notice lmao
    i really adore your username! sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers aside from carnations! would you like to be friends? c:
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