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  • Hi will you be able to stop by and pick Fauna up anytime soon? Don't worry if you miss this message, I'll just put the clock back so she's still in boxes for tomorrow. I'm leaving Oakwood gates open while I sleep just in case.

    Edit, hope she moves into a good place!!
    Hey no worries, I'm around now anyway, I'm just plot resetting a character in to my new Oakwood town so I'll switch over soon! Maybe I've added the wrong F.C for you? Could you send it to me to make sure? Thanks. And I don't need anything for her :D
    Hey are you around now? I managed to keep Fauna in boxes by putting the clock back on my 2ds but you still need to add my F.C (I think, either that or I don't have the right one for you ), but I'm gonna leave the gates open for the next little while in case you can come pick her up!

    Edit, it's been a couple of hours so I'm gonna close my town up to play my other games for a little while but I'll still leave the town open later!!! :D
    Yep I have her scanned in for you, I just need to put her into boxes! Also just so you know, Oakwood itself isn't hacked but there are some items in it from giveaway towns (it's being restarted soon) But if all this is good then I'll add you and open the town! If this doesn't suit then I can scan her into one of my other towns tomorrow!

    Edit, I've added you and ill open Oakwood but I may not be around as it's super late where I am but if you don't want Fauna from that town I'll scan her in to my other town tomorrow for you. My F.C is 1006-5194-7177
    Well, i would love to visit Gracie's store! also i need perfect cherries so whenever you're ready you can open the gate!
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