Recent content by Tyeforce

  1. Tyeforce

    A look at the completed StreetPass puzzle for Animal Crossing: New Leaf

    I think I have you beat. :o (Hey guys! :D I was totally linked here through Facebook. o.o)
  2. Tyeforce

    The Wii U

    Just popping in to post my Nintendo Network ID here in case anyone wants to add me. It's Tyeforce, of course. =P The Wii U will keep me very busy until New Leaf comes out, lol.
  3. Tyeforce

    Swapnote me, maybe?

    We do! We haven't had many Tucson meet ups lately, but we'll have a Tucson area Event Planner very soon, so you can expect more Tucson meet ups in the near future!
  4. Tyeforce

    Swapnote me, maybe?

    Thanks a lot, guys! :D
  5. Tyeforce

    Swapnote me, maybe?

    You're from Mesa, too? That's so cool! You should join my StreetPass group, StreetPass Arizona! We organize StreetPass meet ups for 3DS owners all throughout Arizona! And we're actually having a meet up tomorrow at Fiesta Mall at 4pm! Maybe you can come? :D You can follow us on Facebook...
  6. Tyeforce

    Swapnote me, maybe?

    Thanks again, everyone! :D I did! I wrote the lyrics and edited the video. My friend Ellie, the girl in the video, did the vocals and acting obviously. My boyfriend also helped record the video with me. My roommate and the founder of my StreetPass group also helped out by letting me record some...
  7. Tyeforce

    Swapnote me, maybe?

    It's getting very popular! o.o So far it's been posted on GoNintendo, TinyCartridge and Video Games Memebase, a bunch of Pages on Facebook have shared it, and people have been posting it on forums and other sites as well (reddit, tumblr, Twitter, etc.). This is so exciting!! :D
  8. Tyeforce

    Swapnote me, maybe?

    Uh...thanks! XD I'll try to stick around this time. I miss TBT! ;_;
  9. Tyeforce

    Swapnote me, maybe?

    Thanks guys! Glad you like it! :D
  10. Tyeforce

    Swapnote me, maybe?

    I know I've been away from the forums here for a long time, but I wanted to share this video I made here because I know a few people from TBT have already seen it on Facebook and they really liked it, so I figured it'd be something you'd all enjoy. It's a parody of "Call Me Maybe" about the...
  11. Tyeforce

    Nintendo 3DS Friend Code Directory

    But I'm so busy with my StreetPass group and other stuff! D: I'm working on a website of my own, too, so that's kinda my focus right now. Sorry. =( I guess I could try to pop in here more often, though.
  12. Tyeforce

    Nintendo 3DS Friend Code Directory

    Sorry I've been away so long, guys. Someone else is more than welcome to take over this thread, or make a new thread, if they want. I use to have everyone here added on my 3DS Friend List, but since I started running my StreetPass group, I've met so many new friends who have 3DSes that I had to...
  13. Tyeforce


  14. Tyeforce

    I made that Mii mask myself, lol.

    I made that Mii mask myself, lol.
  15. Tyeforce

    Cloaked UFO? What do you think?

    I don't understand why people are so quick to disregard any evidence of the existence of aliens/UFOs. Just go to YouTube and search for UFO videos, there are so many out there... Of course, there are fakes out there, too, but many of these videos come from real news reports, and some with...