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  • Alright thank you! I'm off for tonight, I'll check back tomorrow and hopefully she'll have room to take Bluebear.
    Yeah, I guess I can reserve her til 1pmish pst tomorrow. I was planning to get rid of her tonight to make room for a dreamie, but everyone seems to go afk, so I'll try to hold onto her. She's also in a spot where I want to build a house :p
    I don't think you can disable wi-fi feedback. It's next to "Post Thanks / Like" if that helps ^.^
    Welp, I just realized I was using your dream address instead of you FC. Not my proudest moment...
    I'll open my gates in a minute. My town is called メロン.
    I just got rid of Octavian, so I can pick her up whenever. I think it would be easier if you picked up the bells first. I'll add you and open my gates now~
    Great! I don't have 250k in my cycle town, but I do in my main town. Do you want to pick up the bells now? c:
    I'd need to move her into my cycle town. I have Octavian moving, can I try to give him away to somebody before I void him?
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