F F Falco Jul 22, 2013 I get that same error ill try fix it .maybe later today or tomorrow it might work bye
W W WoutfromGlitter Jul 22, 2013 Something seems wrong with the connection, i'm getting error code 018-0511 the entire time? Are you sure there's nothing wrong with your connection? checked mine double
Something seems wrong with the connection, i'm getting error code 018-0511 the entire time? Are you sure there's nothing wrong with your connection? checked mine double
W W WoutfromGlitter Jul 22, 2013 My connection was gone for a moment, sorry it took so long :/ I saw you had your gates open but couldn't connect. Can you open again?
My connection was gone for a moment, sorry it took so long :/ I saw you had your gates open but couldn't connect. Can you open again?