Salutations, fellow keen, avid companions of /R/MyLittlePony /R/Atheism and /R/Science! In time, we Alpha male gilded Übermensch shall destroy the Tumblr feminist scum, be assured my fellow triumphant Bronies. Aye, once the mass tipping commences, we shall tip like no other man hath tipped before! Our fedoras shall take to lustrous flight, and calamities never before beheld shall ravage our enemy, and we shall take what we please! Do not mistake my vigour for audacity, however. If we are to hold on to the Cuchara of Servitude, we must never give in to the demands of tyrants - never, never, never! Be vigilant always, you noblest redditors, for Gamersgate is upon us! We shall charge headlong into the most decisive engagement of the conflict, and remember - all of Reddit is watching.