• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

100 Floors - Commentary (Part 4)


Old > New
Sep 9, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Palm City
Flower Glow Wand
Cool Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Apple (Fruit)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Once you complete the Main Tower, you will unlock the Annex Tower. Right now, it hasn’t even got to 100 floors yet, but it’s still at 70. When I first played 100 Floors, it only went up to Floor 5. I had my points on the Main Tower, so I shall share mine on the Annex Tower.

  • By average, the first 20 levels of the Annex Tower is not only better than the first 20 levels of the Main Tower, but it’s better than the Main Tower as a whole. The puzzles were a lot more fun. Granted, there are a few that were not as good as their Main Tower counterparts, but the others are far better. But when you get to Floor 21, that’s when the tower is not as good as it was earlier. Judging by the themes, it seemed less organized (especially when we have the Seasons Tower and 100 Floor World Tour). And the puzzles aren’t all that great. But at Floor 51 and beyond, it becomes more interesting again and feels like the true Annex Tower.
  • The Annex Tower is also where levels begin to restart themselves. In most puzzles on the Main Tower, if you screw up, it is forgivable, but you have to start over at the process. But some of the floors in the Annex Tower, one screw-up will restart the entire level. Floor 1, Floor 11, Floor 16, Floor 51, and especially Floor 69 on this tower all prove this point.
  • The first five floors appear to be a mixed bag, but they are very interesting. My favorite floor in this section is my favorite floor in the entire game, and that would be Floor 1. What you do here is that you cut the rope to catch the egg, and you want to tap on it before it hits the ground. The next one is not so bad, if you get what the pattern of the lines are. The third one confused me at first, until I realized that it was a rock-paper-scissors kind of puzzle. The fourth one was the hardest one prior to the 21st floor, and is harder than every level on the Main Tower. You know what to do, but it’s tricky. Floor 5 had a similar rule to Floor 5 of the Main Tower, but it has another puzzle.
  • After the first five floors, the tower starts to get a lot more interesting. One is kinda like Puzzle League, but the others are interesting on their own (including the laser redirection one).
  • Floors 1 to 5 may had my favorite level, but Floors 11 to 15 is when the Annex Tower is at the best. I didn’t care too much for Floor 12 or Floor 14, but the others made this part more exciting. And not once is the Main Tower counterpart better than these floors.
  • Floors 16 to 20 are still fun puzzles, but they aren’t as good as before. The soccer ball one shows how the game is still motion sensitive. The fan one is the hardest one. But still solid.
  • Floors 21 to 25 is when the shine starts to turn off. From this point, the Main Tower’s counterparts are better in general. Most of these levels are soccer-themed, which were added right around the time of FIFA 2014. They were okay some way, but I didn’t enjoy them as much.
  • Floors 26 to 30 is when the game started to go downhill. In fact, they don’t even live up to the expectations of the Main Tower. A prime example of this is Floor 27, where you just keep hitting the up button enough times. I’m not sure if the developer was in a rush or something, but this wasn’t that good. And I certainly didn’t like the one that was literally like taking candy away from baby.
  • Floors 31 to 35 is a gap of interesting floors in the middle of the 30 floors where the game isn’t as good. Although 32 was impossible before the guide was updated, the levels were pretty good on their own. One of them involved turning some bird back into an egg. And Floor 35 had another interesting concept - using the game’s microphone.
  • Floors 36 to 40 was when the game went back to its downturn. Floor 37 was fine, but it’s a repeat puzzle from Floor 15 of the Christmas section in the Seasons Tower, but with different icons. Floor 40 was okay, but I seen better. The rest, I had less fun doing them.
  • Floors 41 to 45 was the worst set of floors in 100 Floors. I said that Floor 41 of the Main Tower was the worst of the first half, but Floor 41 of the Annex Tower was even worse. I don’t even get the logic behind the answer. And Floor 42, I hate that floor so much. I wish they can replace it with something else. The last three were still not as enjoyable. They’re not as bad, but this section of floors was kinda ruined by Floors 41 and 42.
  • Floors 46 to 50 is when the game started to get out of the hole, but it is still below the surface. All of them are Christmas-themed. It may seem more fit for the Seasons Tower, but they don’t look Seasons Tower worthy for me. I like Floor 46 because of the Jingle Bells and Floor 48 because of the Christmas Tree decoration. Floor 50, cool concept, but hard to pass.
  • Floors 51 to 55 was when the game started to get more interesting again. Tricky puzzles, multi-step processes, and matching is making a comeback. Floor 53, if it weren’t for the birthstone collection on Bell Tree Forums, I would never get past this section. I hardly knew about birthstones before I joined TBT.
  • Floors 56 to 60 were also great in their way. 57 was another cleaning floor like Floor 19 of the Main Tower, but even more. Floor 59 was a multi-step process like Floor 59 on the Main Tower, and Floor 56 is winter-themed and a speed test.
  • Floors 61 to 65 is when the Main Tower counterparts are better than the Annex tower again, but they are still interesting, as I liked how a bunch of puzzles was put into one game. Floor 64 would have to be the best one in this section.
  • Floors 66 to 70 is the best section in the last 20 floors. Floor 67 was very cool. Floor 69 had an interesting concept as well. After Floor 70, the tower ends for now. There has not been any new floors since February of 2015.

That’s it for Part 4 of my commentary. Now I’m going over what my favorites and least favorites of the second half.

Favorite Floor - Floor 1: To solve this, you want to put the egg into the nest. To get it, you must cut the rope. When it happens, the platform will fall. If it hits the ground, and you do not get the egg, the egg will break as the stage starts over. Basically, you must catch the egg before the platform hits the ground, by tapping on it.
2nd Favortie Floor - Floor 69: To open the door, you must put a chemical with the number 16 on it. You can combine chemicals by putting two on the floor, forming another. Get a combination not listed on the mirrors, and the experiment fails, thus forcing a restart. You must keep combining chemicals using the problems on the mirrors to get the chemical of 16. Place the chemical in the door and you can proceed further.
3rd Favorite Floor - Floor 13: To open it, you must put the red indicator in. Then you hold down on the button. You want to match red to red and green to green at each stop. You have five seconds to do this, and time only passes when the button is held down. If the indicators land incorrectly, or if time runs out, you have to start over.
Least Favorite Floor - Floor 42: To open the door, you must put the cards of a number onto the correct spots.
Favorite set of floors - Floors 11 to 15: Like I said before, this is the best selection of floors in the game. I also liked 16 to 20, 56 to 60, and 66 to 70.
Least Favorite set of floors - Floors 41 to 45: The Annex Tower was not doing well at Floors 21 to 50, and 41 to 45 is the worst section. First two ruined it, last three weren’t as good.

Tomorrow is going to be on the Seasons Tower and the Castle.