Me and my dad went over to Staples on search for an add on Hard Drive, and the guy talked about how when he was in college he made a website, and stored all his files on his hard drive and how much space he needed, so fuinaly after he shut up
he showed us the 200GB hard drive for $140 USD and the 100BG for $100 USD finaly I chose the 200GB one for extra storage, he came back and said they where all out and all they had was the 300BG and 500BG hard drives :| I didn't have $200 USD to spare to spend on a add on hard drive, so we found out they did have the 100GB hard drive, for $100 USD and so we chose that, then we checked out and my dad did his Credit card thing, but it works great, and easy to set up, all I had to do was plug it in. But I heard that you can make servers out of add on hard drives, and like use them for extra storage, is this so!!?! Becuase I can host every podcast TBT makes!