

Retired Staff
Feb 6, 2005

This started out as a KK Sig... then it turned into this somehow... I don't know how Animal Crossing and... Urban Horror mix, but hey. >.>

(no boarder on purpose.)

as a side note, this is my first COLOR sig in awhile too.
SPORGE27 said:
Enter the contest!
This is completely different from everything else... there's no way to compare it.

Graphically, its a lot more simple, but it actually has a point to it, a story.
yeah it is harder to compare, but stil it was made very cleanly. seamless and it has a flow to it.

Definitely an emotional piece, spiky and has a clear diagonal line making feel like there is something beyond it...besides couldn't hurt to enter it



I cut that gasmask from their site... so yeah, it's not completely my own, though cutting it is a pain in the billy. D:

I think its cool, It's in honor of their new album, coming out March 20th. <3

you can hear a single here(Don't worry, It's clean. >.>):

Tehthing said:
xD...origional. lol. and you really like Modest Mouse, don't you?


They're one of the few bands out there that stick to what they play, and they're good, if you can handle stylized music instead of another "hardcore" band that sits around drinking all day then splits up after three albums... or one of those other crappy bands that writes about women and how they can't get over their ex-girlfriend from the 7th grade.

Modest Mouse is a nice trip away from all that crap... they've got talent, and their songs actually make you think. >.>

there's my schpeal about how they're awesome.


^^Better version.