2 balloons at once


Junior Member
Dec 27, 2020
is this just a really rare sighting or something else? when i opened them they had normal things in and if i placed them they we're fine
Wow! I have never seen this before except maybe during the Bunny Day event the balloon spawns were really close together? But I don't recall them being like this!
I've never seen that happen! they spawn like five minutes apart so that's weird. would be ideal for farming DIYs tho haha
I've seen it once, and it wasn't during Bunny Day. It's really rare, but I think it may have something to do with wind speed changing.
Are you using Jail Bars/other tall furniture to making farming Balloons easier, and/or do you have a lot of tall furniture in general? I had this happen a few times after I started using Jail Bars to funnel Balloons down a path. If it's not furniture, it could just be how you terraformed the higher areas/arranged the buildings since Balloons go around buildings/Resident Services.

I think it's just that one Balloon spawned and then took a long time to be redirected to a path that it could travel, and while it was doing that, the next Balloon spawned 5 minutes after the first spawn. Both of those balloons are at the same latitude, so it seems like that's the only place for them to travel.
I've actually had this happen, kind of?
One balloon came one after the other. A bit more distant than yours but still felt it was fast that there was one after another.
For me or what I've noticed It's always a yellow balloon and then some other colour.
I think if you put the Switch in sleep mode, the balloon pauses. So returning later can potentially allow another one to spawn before the last one is popped or removed. Just my guess.
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I think if you put the Switch in sleep mode, the balloon pauses. So returning later can potentially allow another one to spawn before the last one is pooped or removed. Just my guess.
Can confirm. I had a balloon over my head, put it in sleep mode, then two hours later, fired it back up with the same balloon hanging around.
It's interesting. I've had this happen a few months ago. I saw a balloon off in the distance, and when I tilted my camera, I saw one just south of my villager as well.
I have never seen this before I didn't know that could happen :) I bet I would still get no seasonal DIYs even with the 2 balloons :(
I've had this quite a few times actually! Popped one balloon, walked across my island a little bit and another had already spawned and made its way across!