• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Giveaway 20 million bell giveaway + some extra prizes! Congratz to jiheishou!

Hi :) So my favorite villager is Kiki because I've had her in every AC game since the GameCube, and I love her because she's a sweetheart, always been my best friend, and I have a black cat named Socks (who doesn't have socks, she's all black with yellow eyes...) that Kiki has always reminded me of and she's my baby c: SO I drew her as well! I hope it is enough c:

Oh gosh, I have two favorites!

My first is Beardo. I had him in my old town, but it got restarted by a family member and I'm really sad about losing him D: I had originally thought I'd hate him because of his design, but I love smug villagers and he reminded me of an old-fashioned gentleman (I always thought around 1920s-ish). He was always super sweet and silly and loved dancing (as a dancer, I connected with that). He was my mayor's Valentine and sent her purple roses, which a) fit my character's love of gardening and b) are my favorite flowers in the game ouo
My second favorite is Muffy. Muffy is actually a nickname of mine and when I saw that there was a neighbor with the name, I had to look into it. Freshman year, my friend and I were texting and she responded to something I said with "Okay, Muffy." When I asked where that came from she was like "idk but I'm gonna call you that tomorrow to confuse everyone." I, being the obnoxious 14 year old I was, agreed. Long story short, I'm about to graduate, teachers and parents call me Muffy now, and sometimes I don't even respond to my own name xD When I discovered Muffy in NL was a cute little Lolita Uchi (my favorite new personality), I fell in love!
Also, my favorite furniture series is the Rococo series, and both of them have pieces of it in their houses! It must be fate.
I would like to enter. My favourite villager is Rosie. Wild World was my first ever DS and AC game I've ever played. I remember Rosie being one of my starters. She was such a cute cat. I didn't like anyone else in my town. I was pretty young back then too, like around 7 years old. I talked to Rosie the most. She was the first one who gave me her picture and I remember her picture being in the main room. Then when I got NL, I REALLY wanted her in my town. I actually recently found out she shared the same birthday as me (we're just meant to be lol). I managed to get her from campsite a month ago and I was so so happy.
My absolute favorite villager is Pietro. I didn't think that I would have liked him as much as I did when he first moved to my town, but his sweet and quirky personality really grew on me. I love creepy villagers and I felt that the fact that he is both creepy and adorable makes him even more charming! His catchphrase is especially cute and hearing K.K. Parade playing in his house always seems to put a smile on my face. I love the fun, little conversations that we have as well as the silly letters that he sends me. I know that my town would be a lot less bright without him :)

Thank you for organizing this giveaway & good luck to everyone else!
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Hello, I'd like to enter! :) My favorite villager is Bluebear. Why? Gather around, children. I have a story to tell.

When I was little (I was around 5-ish), my mom took me to Ralph's (a grocery store, to those of you who live in different countries who don't know) and let me follow her around since I was finally starting to walk instead of scooting around on my rear end (yes, I did that). My mom was at the checkout with my dad, and let me and my sister wander around (of course, under their supervision) a bit. I've just gotten a toy named Black Kitty, who, was a black kitty. She used to be grey, but I lost her when I put her down at my aunt's house and we had to buy a new one. Anyway, this adorable little kitty persuaded me to buy other toys and ask my mom for some more. (Black Kitty was my first toy) I saw around the events section of Ralph's (that one spot in the store where they sell holiday related stuff - birthdays, Valentine's Day, etc.) I saw a little blue bear attached to one of those balloons on sticks. I absolutely fell in LOVE with that bear. I begged my mom to get it, and, being spoiled, I got her. My little sister got a bear who looked just like my bear, but was yellow and got torn up by the kitty who was at my grandma's house. I decided to call my new toy "Blue Bear," just like Black Kitty. I slept with Black Kitty and Blue Bear every single night for the next few years, and they are some of my dearest toys (all of my toys are my dearest toys c: ) Now, a few months ago, I got Animal Crossing. I found out about a certain bear named Bluebear. I wondered, "Huh, I have a stuffed animal named Bluebear, but with a space..." I finally looked into Bluebear and had to get her. I was so happy when I got her, it's like I'm actually talking to my dear little Blue Bear.
Hello, I'd like to enter! :) My favorite villager is Bluebear. Why? Gather around, children. I have a story to tell.

When I was little (I was around 5-ish), my mom took me to Ralph's (a grocery store, to those of you who live in different countries who don't know) and let me follow her around since I was finally starting to walk instead of scooting around on my rear end (yes, I did that). My mom was at the checkout with my dad, and let me and my sister wander around (of course, under their supervision) a bit. I've just gotten a toy named Black Kitty, who, was a black kitty. She used to be grey, but I lost her when I put her down at my aunt's house and we had to buy a new one. Anyway, this adorable little kitty persuaded me to buy other toys and ask my mom for some more. (Black Kitty was my first toy) I saw around the events section of Ralph's (that one spot in the store where they sell holiday related stuff - birthdays, Valentine's Day, etc.) I saw a little blue bear attached to one of those balloons on sticks. I absolutely fell in LOVE with that bear. I begged my mom to get it, and, being spoiled, I got her. My little sister got a bear who looked just like my bear, but was yellow and got torn up by the kitty who was at my grandma's house. I decided to call my new toy "Blue Bear," just like Black Kitty. I slept with Black Kitty and Blue Bear every single night for the next few years, and they are some of my dearest toys (all of my toys are my dearest toys c: ) Now, a few months ago, I got Animal Crossing. I found out about a certain bear named Bluebear. I wondered, "Huh, I have a stuffed animal named Bluebear, but with a space..." I finally looked into Bluebear and had to get her. I was so happy when I got her, it's like I'm actually talking to my dear little Blue Bear.
Aw, that's sweet. I entered everyone. C:
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My favorite villager is Molly. Apart from being absolutely adorable, she was the sweetest person in my village before she moved away (tears). I don't remember her being judgmental of anyone, and she was always happy to chat whenever I found her wandering around town. I also appreciated her efforts to make my town more beautiful with flowers, even when I neglected to do so. Compared with my other villagers, she was definitely the easiest to get along with, and I think it is safe to say that I will miss her for as long as she decides to be somewhere else. I'm still hoping for the day that the gracious, optimistic mallard that is Molly returns home. :D
I made this beauty in paint, hope u lyk it. Gaston is my favourite villager! He's flexing in the picture, obvs. Thank you for doing this great giveaway. c: My bank officially hit zero today so i've got my fingers crossed.

Enter me too please! :)

My favourite villager is Molly. She's so adorable - I can't stand it! She's been living in my town ever since I first started the game. I think that she might be the one character on the game that I have the best relationship with. No one else drops in on me unexpectedly. lol I typically don't care that much about how my villagers dress, but I remember trying to find a way to encourage them to wear something different. See, my 6 year-old sister really wanted to make clothes to be sold at the Able Sisters' shop, so I let her do that, but I didn't expect for Molly to be the one to pick it up. TT_TT Her canary shirt was so cute, too! Eventually, she moved on to something else, but I still kinda think I could find something cuter for her... LOL I didn't think I'd take such a liking to a duck, but I absolutely adore Molly. <3
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Hello! I would love to enter the giveaway. :]

Lily. Lily is my favorite villager. She may be a normal villager. She may seem like ?just a frog?. However, she is toadally more than that. She?s a normal frog with a positive outlook on life. :) No matter how sad she truly feels inside, she doesn?t show it. No matter how difficult it is to put with me as a mayor (because I forgot to get signatures for her campaign, ?More Crayons in Boxes?), she puts on that great big smile for me. I find it adorable how she wants to become a lawyer in the future. A frog as a lawyer.. xD but hey! Like she says, ?Don?t jump to conclusions!? Lily is absolutely adorable and every time I see her outside on a rainy day she always says, ?I love the rain! I wished it would rain every day,? while the other villagers are probably looking at her like she?s crazy as they hold on to their umbrellas for dear life. She easily makes friends and rarely do people talk bad about her. She's such a nice frog. :blush:

I took a moment to draw my baby girl, Lily.
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Please enter me, and thank you for doing this incredibly generous giveaway! :)
I will attach a picture of my favorite ACNL character, the Snooty Ankha!
I had her in my Animal Crossing City Folks, and am searching hard for her again.
I know she is not a "warm fuzzy" as far as personality types go, but she does warm up once you interact with her for a while. I have to laugh at her snobby little ways ... She reminds me of a funny T-shirt slogan I saw once ... "Thousands of years ago in Egypt, cats were worshipped ... cats have never forgotten this." LOL
I drew my picture of her with Sketches ... It's not very good, but it is the snooty little darlin'

My favorite villager is Kody. The first and main reason why I like him is because he was my first best friend in animal crossing (I didn't know how to play back then) Another reason why I like him is because he is a blue cub and super adorbs to me. He came to my house everyday which I found odd and he always sent me presents in the mail. I will add a picture/ write more tommorow
My favorite villager is Angus because I just love the cranky personality and his look. I had him in my Animal Crossing: Wild World game and he was the first animal to befriend my character in that town. I actually liked him so much that I quit playing that game when he moved away, and when I got New Leaf last June, he was the first dreamie I acquired.
Awe! Awesome giveaway!!!! Enter me please!!! I just got a drawing tablet a couple of weeks ago so here was my first attempt. Yes it's terrible , but I HAD to try and draw my filbert first!!! (Btw, he's my most fav villager EVER!!!)image.jpg
I'd like to enter! My favorite villager is Fauna! She was a random move in really early in the game and I looooove her! She moved in a day before Lucky (so you could say I was lucky hehe) I love her personality and I love the spots on her head and her eyes! She's just been a great friend to me and all, so that's why she's my favorite!
I'd like to enter, please!
My favorite villager is Marshal! I've been looking for him for 4 months, but he never showed up in my town and I've never had enough money to buy him, because I was paying my debts to Tom Nook ;__;~ He became my dreamie when I decided to search all villagers before start playing, so I tried do reset my town a lot of times in order to get him or Merengue! Later, I've discovered I could never get him as a starter, because he's a smug villager xD I think this money would help me a lot to win a Marshal auction :3
I also have a drawing I made of him in my signature!~
Thank you so much for doing this, you're very generous <3
I edited but in case "enter me"

Hi my favorite Villager is Julian, mainly beacuse of "Always be yourself, unless you can be an unicorn, in that case, always be a unicorn, but really i reallly like him because, I think he is unique and its a smug, i mean c'mon, whats better than being classy and a true gentleman, it for real class is for men and swag is for kids, and also he is a hopeless romantic, just like me except that im just hopeless... anyways in conclusion i think he is awesome and it a necesary part of my town to make it complete, besides i ship Julian and Colton so hard that it needs to happen!
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I would like to enter please!

My favorite animal crossing character ever would have to be Fang. I never met him until City folk. When I first got the game all I cared were about villagers, I wanted to have a nice group of starter ones. I didn't really know about town layouts at the time. So eventually after a few resets I got to a town where both Fang and Stitches lived in it. I thought those two were both adorable, and decided to make that town my home. c: And that's how I met him. Eventually I stopped playing for awhile, and when I logged back in Stitches was packed in boxes.. I was devastated. But not Fang.. He stayed with me since 2009. And he still remains in my city folk town today. I wouldn't trade him for the world. When I got new leaf, I didn't know you could trade villagers so easily. When I needed a cranky villager personality type to get into my town, I resetted for fang non stop! I went through over 70 resets just to get him! It was ridiculous I thought I was going mad. But it was all worth it because I finally got him. And I couldn't be happier, I honestly thought he would never show up, but now he's all mine and I'm never letting him go..!

I even wrote down all the resets I did on a note pad... I'll just post it to show how long it took :c Missing are the few cranky villagers I didn't get. And Frank and Knox were two I had in my town but moved away.

I find it funny I literally got 3 wolves in a row.. What are the chances of that happening?
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hello, I'll enter.
Out of all the villagers, Walker is my favorite. Ever since the first Animal Crossing for the DS, he was in my first town ever. His lazy, cute personality is just something I couldn't resist and I kept him ever since. When I bought ACNL and found out he was one of the originals, I almost trying crying.. lol. (teary eyed). He's just so damn cute and humble. I don't really care if I win or not, just wanted to share my love for one of the most original characters in Animal Crossing.