2020 Year Goals!!


Leaving TBT for now. See you at the next AC game!
Mar 10, 2015
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Shadow Kitty Plush
Spring Shamrock
It's almost that time of year where everyone makes up goals to follow for the following year but end up giving up in a week.

Well not this time!! I seriously feel like 2020 will be the best year ever!!

Do you guys have any goals you'd like to accomplish next year?
You know, every year I try to set new goals and tell myself that it will be a great year, but that usually ends up not happening. I can't see 2020 being all that exciting, since I'll still be in college. I'm graduating in 2021, so that will be an interesting year for me.

Anyways, one of my goals for 2020 is to try and save as much money as possible, and maybe even open a savings account so I can start putting some money in there. I'm hoping to move out of my parent's house as quickly as possible, and that'll prob be impossible while I'm in college but I can at least start preparing for it now. I also plan on figuring out my career goals, since I would like to get a job right out of college if at all possible.

Another goal of mine is to try and just take it easy. I mean, I'm going into my senior year of college next fall, but if I overdo it again like I did this semester then it might seriously do some damage to my psyche. I'd like to be able to take more time for myself, and focus on what it is that I want. That can be really hard to do when I have responsibilities piling up. I don't want to spend my whole life just being miserable all the time, so I need to take some more alone time (not listening to the bs my dad spews at me all the time) and not worry about what others say about me. My life is full of so much negativity, and I'd love to change that in the new year.
- keep healthy.
- stick to my promises and stuff.
- keep my grades high and my motivation even higher.
To live each day as positively as I possibly can.

To not let anyone bring me down, or make me feel like I am worth less than other people, no matter what they say or do to.

It's the people in your real life that matter the most.
Your family and what they think of you, and what you mean to them.

I also really want to get a 100 inch TV.
That's what I want.
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To graduate university. That’s it. If I can’t even do that then my life is pointless.
My 2020 goals are pretty much the same like my old 2019 goals; Be a better person and more open to people, Improve my drawing and animating skills, Learn more programming languages and 3D
Not much. My main is that I do well on this first year of college. :3

I have other priorities like try to get better at drawing, especially working on realistic collectibles. I want to improve my Korean and Japanese. I want to visit other countries and learn other languages. (maybe italian :/) I want to also learn more on computers as I still do not know a few shortcuts. :p
I haven't come up with any 2020 goals. I'm still just working on surviving 2019. This has been a crazy year, very busy, very stressful. So I really hope 2020 is a little calmer and more peaceful.
I hope in the year 2020 I get a full time closing shift at work. I doubt it will happen, but a girl can dream. If I don't get that then I'll prob leave for a job that doesn't stress the heck outta me. I'm sick and tired of the way I'm treated at my current job.

Also to just be a better person in general. I'm hard on myself, I skip over things I should be doin for my health and such (I'm not UNhealthy... yet) actually get good at drawing, be on top of stuff more. I procrastinate too much cause I'm tired or stressed, or both. I feel like everything is a chore but also feel bad when I don't accomplish things.

Also to remodel my room. I want a loft bed and to make my room just look better in general. I want plants and bohemian stuff.

Hopefully in the year 2020 I really buckle down and get better with time and stuff. Or maybe I'll just end up procrastinating again.
I wanna finish the year much better in digital art and watercolor, also gonna try to better my fundamentals, like perspective, shading and form, but these are the worst lol. Still, gonna push myself to be a lot better in art. Also work on kissing more and reading more.
My main goal is to become a homeowner in 2020... or at least take some more baby steps for that to happen. I?d also like to find a new job and finish my second degree! As some of you know I already have my degree in Child Education and was a substitute teacher for a long time before switching my career to be animal focused, now I?m working on a Veterinary nursing (aka Vet Tech) degree with hopes of opening my own business and hiring my own veterinarian!

I would also like to become more active on the forum again, and with the release of New Horizons, I feel I should be able to accomplish that pretty easily!
My goals:

-Cut back on my sugar intake. I've cut back on my juice intake so now it's time for sugar in general except of course sugar from fruit
-Eat a good breakfast everyday
-Be more gentle towards myself
2019 has been a pretty crazy, stressful year, so mostly I just want to get better at taking things one day at a time and managing stress. If I was setting specific goals, it would be:

-Start eating breakfast everyday and just make sure to eat enough in general
-Get a good summer job that will give me experience in my field
-Make new friends and get involved with more on campus organizations at uni
Well, 2019 has admittedly turned into a wasteland for me, but I'm not going to let that deter me from trying to be positive about 2020. My goals are:
*Continue working out daily/getting back into shape.
*Be a better friend.
*Be easier on myself.
*Find a new job and start my new life.
*Get back into the dating scene once I get my life figured out.

That, and be the best cat dad possible tbh.
-Graduate university
-Eat less sugar
-Secure more hours at both my part time jobs so that once I graduate, my time is occupied
-Continue to work on learning to manage my anxiety, think more positively and improve my mental health
-Push myself, learn new things and become an even more knowledgeable and better employee!
i need to graduate with my degree in literature in may and ideally get a second job to save up enough money so i can move out once i graduate.