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2021 is here. Be Cautious and stay Safe


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
2021 is finally here. I am not expecting so much because life can be full of stuff that can be bad or good. It best to take things with caution and don't expect much. Who knows maybe it will turn out to be a good yeah but then again we've said the same thing with 2020 and look how that turned out, so its best to be cautious about everything at this point.
2021 can't be much worse than 2020. 2021 will probably start off bad but get better as more people get vaccinated for COVID. The only things that could make 2021 worse would be another new virus which would make us all lose our minds or a major war.
2021 can't be much worse than 2020. 2021 will probably start off bad but get better as more people get vaccinated for COVID. The only things that could make 2021 worse would be another new virus which would make us all lose our minds or a major war.

We didn't think 2020 would be bad on January 1, 2020. Maybe 2020 made me be too much of a pessimist, but I think it's too soon to say that about 2021. I HOPE it'll be better, but at this point in time, I don't know if I can agree that it will be.
We didn't think 2020 would be bad on January 1, 2020. Maybe 2020 made me be too much of a pessimist, but I think it's too soon to say that about 2021. I HOPE it'll be better, but at this point in time, I don't know if I can agree that it will be.
Maybe 2020 wouldn't have been so bad if governments warned us that 2020 was going to suck instead of trying cover up the severity of COVID and pretend like 2020 was going to be a great year. 2019 was an okay year and we didn't know a once-in-a-century pandemic was going to hit in 2020, but 2020 set the bar really low for 2021 so 2021 will be considered a good year if we just get back to normal even if a lot of other bad stuff happens this year. There's a chance we haven't hit rock bottom yet, but for the most part there's nowhere to go but up at this point.
i will forever try my hardest to be positive so i'll say my piece

please try not to expect 2021 to be worse or the same as 2020. if you expect it to be bad it will be, at least for you. 2021's not gonna be better on it's own. we have to work together to make it a good year. do what you can whether it be big or small and go into this year with kindness for those around you.

of course also go into this year with a raging determination to fix things as well. don't let people get away with their bigotry or bs.
I had a terrible year in 2019 but despite being a pessimist, I went into 2020 thinking more positively and believing things would turn around. Then 2020 hit me like a truck, not just with the global things going on but also personal issues.

I'm going to approach 2021 cautiously. I do believe that it has the potential to improve in a lot of areas but if 2020 has taught me anything it's to just roll with the punches and wait to see what happens.

Good luck to everyone. I hope your 2021 is an improvement on 2020.
I try to go through life with a blend of pessimism and optimism. I expect the worst and hope for the best. It’s how I approach every year and everything I try. It helps me get up in the morning even when things are really bad. I have noticed that it seems to help me to keep moving forward if I keep hope alive, even when it doesn’t seem worth it anymore. Hope inspires action.

I have been in many situations in my lifetime where it seems like all hope was lost but at the the last minute, the solution became clear, or circumstances changed, and I was able to make it through that obstacle despite initial expectations. If I had given up hope altogether and had stopped trying, I would not have made it.

I really like reading stories about unusual heroism and survival. Those stories inspire me and remind me that it is never too late to try. Especially when important things like life or death are in the balance.

I don’t know if 2021 is going to be that level of dramatic for me but I know it will be for some people. There are a lot of people struggling to make ends meet right now. People who don’t have enough food for themselves or their family. I hope they can hang on until help arrives or until something changes. I think about that a lot and about what I might be able to do to help in the limited ways that I can, here from my home, trapped in isolation because of corona.

In the United states where I live, there is a very important election coming up in a couple of weeks that could change the power dynamic of our country in a dramatic way. If it goes the way I hope it will, then 2021 will already off to a much better start than 2020. I have done what I can to help in that regard and now I just have to hope for the best, because I am not eligible to vote in that election.

As for me personally, I am just hoping I can see my father again before the year is over, as he is very old and sick. I hope I can see him again before it is too late.

And so I am here, waiting, and hoping, for a better 2021 in many ways. But the pessimism in me remains, ready to catch me when I fall with a sad “I warned you.”
Meh, I'm not expecting too much of this year, so I'm deciding to have a clear mind and entering the year with a blind eye. I feel like some people are already having somewhat highs expectations of how the year should while subconsciously thinking that most of the problems of the world will slowly fade away by 2021. Personally, things have always been getting worse for me since 2016 so I don't have too many high expectations of what's to come. I've learned many times the hard way not to have too much hope in the future or else you will be severely disappointed, c'est la vie.
i'm glad i'm a nihilist. don't ever get jaded by wistful karmic gobbledygook or meaning or purpose or any of that because i know things aren't good or bad; they just are. for the things that are problems, no cosmic force is coming to balance it. it's up to me to give things meaning, meaning: gotta fight the entropy of existence, that is what living means. do your best to advocate for other people and solutions to problems, and ya know, burn who, what, and when you gotta and chill when you can, and don't be afraid to sacrifice stuff you know isn't working and don't buy into this new dark age, anti-intellectual sophomore slump mentality. years don't bring change, interacting with them does. and most importantly, sometimes you'll be powerless and lose near everything. it happens and there isn't a reason and you couldn't have done anything to preserve those things, but you sure can spite a meaningless existence with your own meaning.

also my tiny pieces can't be created or destroyed so ain't any year taming this princess. reeow
I like to be cautiously optimistic about this year. 2020 was a dumpster fire because of COVID, but now we know much more about the virus than we did previously and we have vaccines already on the way. Personally, I'm very fortunate not to know anyone close to me that's gotten COVID, but I also will continue to be responsible and quarantine with my family until we get the vaccine. Remember not to let your guard down because of fatigue. We just need to endure this for about half a year more until hopefully life gradually returns to normal.
I'm happy 2020 is over...but, I'm not of the naïve mindset that this will be a good year "just because". We all need to do better. Most of the negative things that happened in 2020 were a direct result to people being careless, selfish, uneducated, and just plain wrong...IMO. Of course, there were plenty of bad things that were out of our control (government policies, celebrities passing away, etc)...but, there was still plenty that we could have avoided or done differently.

Happy New Year, everyone. Do your best.
2021 is finally here. I am not expecting so much because life can be full of stuff that can be bad or good. It best to take things with caution and don't expect much. Who knows maybe it will turn out to be a good yeah but then again we've said the same thing with 2020 and look how that turned out, so its best to be cautious about everything at this point.

Yes, let's stay safe and productive during this down time! I think we should all be taking precautions and protecting the people we love, thank goodness for technology though, right? I mean, if we didn't have technology then we couldn't see their faces, hear their voices still... even play crossing. I would hate that, to be cooped up in an old house with nothing to do but a black and white tv and old walls. My god, I would go totally insane I think, wouldn't you? wouldn't any of us to be honest!

Nope, I'll take my switch and my games and keep them to myself and play them all :p whilst hauled up in this containment box called a room. I have two computers and most consoles, so it's easy for me to do!