I'm pretty excited... and Prison Break comes back in two weeks or so from what i've heard.
I just started watching 15 mins into the second one, I was busy


Someone has to tell me what I missed!
ROFL, right now it's half way into the second one. Well, Jack got back from the Chinese and he looked all messed up, but the good people used him to get this one terrorists location. So then at the place where they left Jack for the terrorists he was able to escape. Jack found out that the terrorist they found out the location to was actually trying to stop these other terrorists and was actually not bad. But the President (Wayne Palmer the old President's brother) issued an air attack on the location of the terrorist they thought was bad and it hit but Jack was able to get the terrorist out. And now there is this one kid whose dad was taken by the FBI, and the bad terrorists gave him a suicide bomb. *COMMERCIAL* Yeah, so there have been a bunch of attacks like chronologically before they showed this season.
Wow. Just wow. I never watched the show until last night, my dad wanted me to tape it. I did, and I watched it with him. IT'S AWESOME! :lol:

I'm a 24 fan now! The whole concept is just intriguing.
I've never seen it before...is it too late to jump in and watch it? Or will I not understand anything...?
Gengar said:
I've never seen it before...is it too late to jump in and watch it? Or will I not understand anything...?
if you can find a small summary of the 1st two episodes from last night, it's probably not too late.

if you were to miss last night and tonight's episodes, there's like no way you could catch up.

lemme see if i can find something for you to read real quick.

right here
It's not too late. I missed the beginning of the last season, and I didn't have any problems understand what was going on.
It's not too late. I missed the beginning of the last season, and I didn't have any problems understand what was going on.
but youve seen other seasons too