Trading 30 Million Bells for Rosie.


Sometimes, he do miss
Jul 15, 2013
New Horizons Token
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Jingle Christmas Doll
Poptart Easter Egg
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Yellow Pansy
Yellow Cosmos
Red Cosmos
Red Cosmos
User Title Color Change
October Birthstone (Opal)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
100% (85) +
Well, I'm hoping for someone that's not too money thirsty for Bells and would be willing to let their Rosie go for say 30 Million Bells.
Not everyone's made of money, Heck I'm about to spend 60 Million, Most of my cash just on me and my lady friends dream villagers.

Thanks a bunch if anyone's willing to do so ;~;
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I have Rosie in my town (not moving atm) Looking for someone who might want to trade her for Punchy, but I could consider taking bells too. Does anyone know for how much Punchy is usually sold? ;w;
If I wasn't so stuck onto Punchy, I'd give him for Rosie QuQ
:) I have her. You can give me Her for 10M. I'm not money greedy :) just needing to upgrade my town hall c:
:) I have her. You can give me Her for 10M. I'm not money greedy :) just needing to upgrade my town hall c:
Rosie for 10 Million? I think I love you QuQ (As a great person!)

She's not ready to move right now, Is she?
I can TT her out :) ill message you when she is ready ^-^ I get out of school in 2 hours
That's awesome! I'll send you a PM about it c:
DANG i kinda feel bad for giving her away for rudy seeing as you really want her
good luck ;-; i would've given her to you but nehregjkfn
DANG i kinda feel bad for giving her away for rudy seeing as you really want her
good luck ;-; i would've given her to you but nehregjkfn
Naw, he's one of your dreamies so it's better if you have Rudy, As Sora said, she'll give me Rosie for 10 Million c: