Autism runs in my family. My dad's brothers have autism. I believe one of my mom's male relatives has autism (i forgot which one). My baby brother has quite bad autism right now, i can clearly see its gonna be a severe case for him.
As you can see, only males in my family have autism. I'm pretty sure no female in my family has it, unlikely that I do but idk....
So, just some past expericences that could relate to this:
-I somehow(?) dont remember this, but apparently when i was in kindergarten, I would always turn off all of the toys and lights, and close the doors. Obviously kids dont care about that right? I was turning off ANY toy that was left on after use, and ANY light left on (like the bathroom lights) I would turn off and close the doors. I seemed quite helpful but that is definitely not normal. I was kinda like this over the years, but that strange problem has long gone.
-You probably know this, but if not, I have the worst social anxietu ever. Like a phobia. I CANT talk to anyone in public that isn't my family, unless it is a teacher or doctor. Otherwise i just cant. impossible. And if i am talking to them, im laughing or crying at times i shouldnt be (or cant control), and I talk too quiet and muffly. Especially with teachers, im told to talk up.
Oh, and only talking to them if nobody else is in the room.
-In kindergarten I had very bad social anxiety. In first grade it got a whole lot better. As I got older, I kept getting worse for no reason. I could still be friends with my old friend right now, but my social anxiety worsened for no reason and I had purposely abandoned her. I dont understand why this is happening to me. Even actual friends couldnt fix me.
-Also, sometime in kindergarten, the teachers were so upset and worried about me that they had a meeting with my parents. They offered to give me special help, but my mom thought of it like they're gonna put me with the disabeled kids, so she declined. she acts like it was a perfect idea but look at me now. so many years she could of gotten help for me and she let me turn into a suicidal person
-I am very sensitive. I cry easy and get mad easily, laugh easily, etc. big problem too and embarassing, my family calls me a crybaby. i also dont like loud sounds, i hate when my sister or mom turns the tv way too loud for my baby brother and i cant turn it down.
-I dont think i have autism, really. I have watched so many videos now and in the past on it, read lots of websites, and did a few tests on the internet. All the traits and stuff, I dont have. So i probably dont have it, plus im a girl and very few girls have it.
But the problem here is that something is wrong with me but i dont know what and everyone tells me im fine, and my mom and several people in the past suggested i have it but very mild. so i have no idea whats wrong with me