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I don't care how bad the game looks, I just want to play a game that is fun and not boring like everyone else.
I thought that graphics was a big part of a game, which it is in a way, but there?s some games which can make an exception. I thought as time went on, it?d be difficult to enjoy a game which doesn?t have outstanding graphics capable of this day and age. However, I love Stardew Valley which is pixel art. I love Oxen Free which has a really cute illustration style. Life is Strange/Before the Storm is all hand drawn and I absolutely love the style and atmosphere on that game. So to answer your question, I love games which has amazing graphics, it makes it immersive. But it isn?t needed.
graphics are kinda important. not in the "every game should look ultra realistic call of doody" but like, it's hard to play a game if it runs at 2 frames per minute and looks like poopydoo.
I want my games to be pretty, yes, but what is pretty is not only decided on a technical level.
Graphics are important to me. I am a very aesthetics person, like I am music. The thing is I don't expect 1080 60FPS. I don't care about that stuff. I just care about high quality (or at least stylized) models, textures, and lighting.

It doesn't mean hyper realism. Like actually I love cartoony HD games. They just have to be done right, so like Animal Crossing will look beautiful in HD, as Mario Kart 8 does. Breath of the Wild has some beautiful effects, like the reflection when it rains. Kingdom Hearts III also is beautiful beyond words. But like The Sims 4? There are certain graphical improvements versus The Sims 3 (the lighting), but overall The Sims 4 does not have good graphics and is actually devolved from The Sims 3 and people trying to defend it because it's "cartoony" are actually just using that as an excuse. I want a The Sims game that is modern in style. Not hyper-realistic... But one where we actually get reflection when it rains, one where the outdoor graphics look like Toy Story in KHIII, etc.

Okay, sorry, turned that into an Off-topic TS4 rant. Sorry. Lol.
But like The Sims 4? There are certain graphical improvements versus The Sims 3 (the lighting), but overall The Sims 4 does not have good graphics and is actually devolved from The Sims 3 and people trying to defend it because it's "cartoony" are actually just using that as an excuse. I want a The Sims game that is modern in style. Not hyper-realistic... But one where we actually get reflection when it rains, one where the outdoor graphics look like Toy Story in KHIII, etc.

Okay, sorry, turned that into an Off-topic TS4 rant. Sorry. Lol.

I was always confused why the developers decided to go in that direction. Games going from pretty realistic to cartoony graphics is actually a major pet peeve of mine. That's not to say I dislike cartoon graphics (Wind Waker is a beautiful game for example), but in certain games it just breaks my immersion. It's one of the main reasons I haven't really gotten into Civilization 6, because the graphics completely ruin my immersion.
I like games with good graphics but I much prefer the storyline and gameplay of the game compared to graphics
I enjoy good graphics but for me that means expressive animation, a steady frame rate and a versatile camera. I don't care about photorealism at all.
I care much more about how fun a game is vs. the graphical quality. Having said that, I do have certain minimum expectations. When Fortnite had ass graphics for a while after the latest update, it made me a little upset that I was playing it with ps2/nintendo 64 graphics. Fortunately the glitch got fixed.

Fantastic graphics like in BoTW and Odyssey are great but they're the icing on the cake of an already great game. Core gameplay is more of what matters to me. If the game is gorgeous but I don't like playing it, I won't care about the game. I don't care whether a game is 60fps 1080p etc. but I do think if you are advertising a certain graphical quality, then you better deliver on it.
i don't mind so long as the game is fun!
like, i went back to play some old ds games from my childhood, and wrow, they ain't pretty.
but that hardly matters! cuz they are still fun!
It depends on the game to be honest! If I am playing a lower graphical game then no I wouldn?t say I mind but if there is a higher graphical game I think having the ability to have the best graphics is very important. For example when I was playing farcry 5 on my old computer I wasn?t able to play the game on a high level then when I got my newer computer I was absolutely amazed on the impact that the graphics would have on my enjoyments and gameplay!
Pixel over 3D for me.
Most of the time. I care about smoothness of the game rather than that fancy smancy graphics with 2% content. LOL

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Pixel over 3D for me.
Most of the time. I care about smoothness of the game rather than that fancy smancy graphics with 2% content. LOL
Good graphics are nice, but definitely not a necessity. If given a choice, I'd rather a game had good music than good graphics. Music can enhance a game more than graphics can, IMO. Even if a game's graphics are impressive, you get used to them after a while anyway.
To the people who say they don't care about bad graphics.

Pixel graphics are not bad per se, bad graphics would be pixel graphics but terribly done, like the characters looks all gross and the whole image is incomprehendable or a modern game where theres really gross looking textures.

From the majority of you it seems like you think pixel graphics look bad, which is a damn shame and the opposite of what I'm sure most of you actually are trying to say.
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I feel like it depends on the game. As Hellfish was mentioning, I definitely don't mind pixel graphics, but if the game I'm playing focuses around designing something (for example Animal Crossing or drawing based games) then I would say I would much prefer better and smoother graphics. For something that is like the regular Mario games, it's not something I really mind because there isn't much need for better graphics. Along with that, the pixelation of Mario games kind of makes a little more sense to me because it is more aim and action skill based, so I feel like it just makes a little more sense in my mind... idk ;-;

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btw when I was talking about the Mario game thing I meant like the Super Mario Bros ds game, not necessarily like Mario Kart
The only time I care about the graphics is where it's impossible to tell what is which. Other than that, I greatly prefer gameplay over graphics.
I agree with ZeldaNumber1 - I honestly don't care about graphics when it comes to video games.

I'll pretty much play anything and if the story and game itself is good - the graphics are the last thing I worry about. And I know people comment asking how can I play such a thing or never give games a shot because of the graphics but I've never put that much thought into it. I'll play a game I love whether you can see every pore in their face or it's just a smiley face :p