Draw any of my characters maybe?
https://www.belltreeforums.com/album.php?albumid=1703 .
Thanks for the request
Thanks for the request
- - - Post Merge - - -
Wow I didn't think the quality would be tanked like that
I put it on deviantart here https://www.deviantart.com/browniem...Artwork-787429121?ga_submit_new=10:1551248665
Thanks for the request (sorry idk how to upload it without it looking small and blurry)
I do have this girl here. Gosh darn if I could find my ref master post on tumblr I'd use that, I have like 4 girls in that.
Edit: oh wait I do have this clear ref also
Her shirt has (=^-^=) on it, like a cat emogie thing.