;_; My N64's V cord is dead.


Senior Member
May 19, 2005
Okay, so yesterday, I got bored and felt like playing DKR64. I busted out the 64, with the AV jacks, Power cord, and DKR64. I plugged everything in and turned it on. However, only the Audio cords work. The video doesn't seem to work. At all. I even tried plugging in the GameCube cords (since they have the same plugs), and they didn't work. Any ideas why it doesn't work?
I'm not sure. This has happened to me, but I just blow out the cartridge and the system and, tada!, it works again.

Joseph said:
I'm not sure. This has happened to me, but I just blow out the cartridge and the system and, tada!, it works again.

I did that like 20 times though... Urg, it might help to try again.
Don't know much about cords or anything, but I'm guessing the "V cord" isn't something you can just go out and buy...?
Gengar said:
Don't know much about cords or anything, but I'm guessing the "V cord" isn't something you can just go out and buy...?
V cord= Video Output Cord

Yeah, I don't think you can buy them.
I think you could get them from eBay for a really cheap price. Not sure though...
Happens to my 64 a lot... sometimes they're picky and need to be in a certain position.
[quote="Shadow_] Happens to my 64 a lot... sometimes they're picky and need to be in a certain position. [/quote]
Yeah, but when I plug it in and try twisting it to get the position, nothing happens.
Double post, but I'm still having trouble.

Also, I try to hook the GCN up, and the SAME thing happens!!! I tried asking my dad, but he's too busy watching soccer. T_T
UltraByte said:
Double post, but I'm still having trouble.

Also, I try to hook the GCN up, and the SAME thing happens!!! I tried asking my dad, but he's too busy watching soccer. T_T
Hammer + Ductape = fixed.

remember that, it's a mathematical formula for fixing everything, the only reason space shuttles blow up is they don't use enough ductape.