A bad day...

Rover AC

~ The Unknown Cat
Aug 13, 2011
Pear (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Hey its me, and I just wanna say that everybody at the Nintown bug off cheats! I nabbed a 50 point grasshopper and I lost to a darner dragonfly that was cought by Sterling! I know have a ultimate grudge over Sterling. After a disappointing contest, I went to the city to see if there was anything good at Marquee. Was there? Nope. So insted I wnet to the Black market (Oops, I mean Redds shop!) I didn't see anything there either. I went back to Nintown were I was meet by Sterling showing off his new trophy! That tore it! I went to Sterling and pulled my net out. WHACK! Yeah thats right I hit him right over the beak! HAHA!

So anyway thats it for now, Bye!
erm, what stuff were there at marquee and redds shop?
Marquee? Anger, Laughter, Sorrow, Shock. (All of witch I don't want). At Redds? Just rubbish stuff that I dont want