what in the heck
i got really into the small-scale dinosaurs, but now i have too many fossils and no room for any of them lmao
feel free to ask for as many as you need! i just rather give them away than sell them to retail
ptera left wing (x2)
ptera skull (x1)
styraco torso (x2)
styraco tail (x3)
apato tail (x2)
stego skull (x1)
stego tail (x1)
sabertooth skull (x1)
diplo neck (x1)
parasaur skull (x2)
tricera skull (x2)
tricera torso (x1)
plesio skull (x2)
plesio neck (x1)
plesio torso (x1)
diplo skull (x1)
diplo neck (x3)
diplo chest (x1)
spino skull (x1)
spino torso (x1)
t. rex skull (x3)
t. rex torso (x1)
megacero skull (x2)
dimetrodon skull (x1)
dimetrodon tail (x1)
ankylo torso (x2)
ankylo tail (x1)
iguanodon torso (x1)
pachy skull (x1)
pachy torso (x1)
fern fossil (x1)
amber (x1)
trilobite (x1)
Peking man (x1)
feel free to ask for as many as you need! i just rather give them away than sell them to retail
ptera left wing (x2)
ptera skull (x1)
styraco torso (x2)
styraco tail (x3)
apato tail (x2)
stego skull (x1)
stego tail (x1)
sabertooth skull (x1)
diplo neck (x1)
parasaur skull (x2)
tricera skull (x2)
plesio skull (x2)
plesio neck (x1)
plesio torso (x1)
diplo skull (x1)
diplo neck (x3)
spino skull (x1)
t. rex skull (x3)
megacero skull (x2)
dimetrodon skull (x1)
dimetrodon tail (x1)
ankylo torso (x2)
iguanodon torso (x1)
pachy skull (x1)
pachy torso (x1)
fern fossil (x1)
amber (x1)
trilobite (x1)
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