I have the maid dress and golden shovel o:
Woo! How much do you want for both? c: (Can offer TBT OR IGB)
I prefer TBT.. but I'm not very good with prices ;O;
12TBT? c:
Sounds great c: I still have you added, so let me know when you're ready for me to deliver, or you can come over if you prefer o:
Could I come over? My town is a clutter haha, I can come over now ^^
Feel free to check my RV shop
I sell items too, that's why I mentioned my thread
Happy Holidays, Jinxie! There is an extra Isabelle 3DS is my drawers. Never used it and it would be a waste selling it.
Do you want it? I also have a natural chair I just put away. 2 of them, actually...
So, both items for something on my wishlist (link in my signature) or TBT!
I have almost no meow coupons if i had any i could get you the model sailor rn for free, i have kappn's rv right now, if you have any tickets to spare vm me and you can come ;p