A day in the life of a farmer


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2005
Are there any big Harvest Moon fans here? Well, if there are, they would probably have heard of the latest installment in this game series by Natsume.I would give this game an awesome review because it has all the little things that make it a great game, major improvements on previous titles, and easy controls. The only thing I dislike are the starting cut-scenes, when the character's actions aren't smoothly transitioned. (I wouldn't know hoiw to say it, you do get the point)

I HIGHLY recommend this game!
It would make the others seem like crap
Anyway, here is my usual routine-I have three usual paths, follow the colors

6:00-Get up, pet dog, get tools needed for the day.
6:00-8:00-Water crops, if any, if not
6:00-Go mining, or
6:00-Travel to a decent fishing spot, preferably Sunny Lake. FISH!
8:00-1:00-Run around looking for more stuff to ship or presents
Roughly 1:00-2:00- Ship collected goods, (Ores, Fish, Crops)
2:00-3:30-Search for Ann, give her a gift
3:30- Shopping! Or cut lumber
5:00- Return to outside of house, go fishing.
6:00-8:00-Go to Sleep!

This is my scheduale of events for an average day. It will always be changing because I have not cut enough lumber for a barn yet, and have lowly Iron tools.
WooT! I got a barn

^_^ I spent all my 10,000$ on new property, a barn, and cow stuff.

Now I need a cow.
U got a barn lucky wait rented the game yesterday o u wana marry Ann in the game? i do because i mine all the time to get $ :lol:
[quote="] U got a barn lucky wait rented the game yesterday o u wana marry Ann in the game? i do because i mine all the time to get $ :lol: [/quote]
Yup, marries to Ann now.