A question about AC:WII U

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Mr Coffee

Senior Member
Mar 23, 2014
The Animal Crossing game for the Wii U is coming out soon.I just have one question.What do you think the Wii U game will be about.
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The Animal Crossing game for the Wii U is coming out soon.I just have one question.What do you think the Wii U game will be about.
...What? What on Earth are you talking about? No Animal Crossing game has been announced for the Wii U yet and with nothing to go on, speculation is pretty baseless and therefore pointless. It's not even been a year since New Leaf released, it's gonna be another few years before another game is even announced.
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I wouldn't be to surprised if a Wii U version is announced within the next few months, the developers haven't worked on anything major since Nintendoland (they also made AC plaza which is probably using an early build of AC Wii U's engine) and they also worked Nintendo wii sports club, but that's just a HD remake of Wii Sports.
So since late 2012 they haven't released any major games (in Japan) so it's safe to assume the Wii U version is in development.

wherever it will come out this year though is another thing, there's normally a few years between games (WW came out in 2005 and CF came out 2008, which is probably one of the shortest gaps between new games in the series)

As for what the Wii U version may feature, most likely a bigger focus on online play, being a home console, the Wii U is most likely always connected to the internet, this could mean things like shared towns (how cool would that be to share a town with someone who doesn't actually live with you, and being able to play together without limiting features)
Sending letters over the internet from your own town like you used to be able to do in CF.

Along with internet features, the Wii U's hardware could make for bigger towns, more villagers in town, more animated villagers, more detailed towns and basically Animal Crossing, but bigger.
...What? What on Earth are you talking about? No Animal Crossing game has been announced for the Wii U yet and with nothing to go on, speculation is pretty baseless and therefore pointless. It's not even been a year since New Leaf released, it's gonna be another few years before another game is even announced.

New Leaf was released in November 2012 in Japan.
We have already started thinking about what to do next, but there is no concrete direction yet. First, we need to decide which hardware to develop a new Animal Crossing for, and then we want to use that hardware and find out what it’s capable of and what kind of features it provides. Then we can start thinking of elements of Animal Crossing and how we can realise them using the hardware. So until we discover these new inventions, we will not decide the direction.
It's not even definite that the next game will be for the WiiU.
Why is a lot of people so confident that the next game wont be on Wii U. There's no way there is going to be another AC 3DS. If you use the 'Wii U is DOOOMED!' excuse, Zelda Wii U isn't moving to 3DS, Mario Kart 8 isn't moving to 3DS. That won't stop any 1st party game from getting on the system.
I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo at least announce that Animal Crossing is in development for the Wii U.
Even if they don't have the game in a playable build, just an announcement is bound to sell a few consoles, Animal Crossing seems to be one of Nintendo's big series now, up there with Mario and Zelda, just the name alone is a potential console seller.
The first animal crossing came out in April 14, 2001
Wild world came out in 2005
City folk came out in 2008
And new leaf in 2012/2013

Considering there is an average of 4 years between each games release don't expect anything soon as you stated.
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