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A rant about a bad episode of family guy and more importantly the tv industry.

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It's raining men.
Feb 12, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Small Mailbox
Pear (Fruit)
Ok. I was looking things up for boredom and i came across a review of a family guy episode. I watched the episode.

Never have i seen such vile, despicable s***. I believe that this is beyond wrong. A holocaust of wrong. Beyond a holocaust of wrong.

Fresh heir.

I need to rant this, because i think people need to know this.

Basically the problems with this episode are
Bad cutaways
A testicle joke (gross and unfunny)

And the 2 main problems

Chris giving his grandfather a handjob


Peter marrying his son to aqquire money, and his son agreeing because he wants to spend time with his dad.

Ok. Can somone, Anyone, Please explain how in the holy mother of bob did this get past censors? Rockos modern life and adventure time combined couldnt get this crap past censors! This is beyond vile, A display of sick, twisting stupidity that makes me think: Is TV naught more than a junkbox? Because to me, its reached that point. This episode showed me that people clearly have no sense of shame. No sense of dignity, No sense of anything. People give shows like this ratings while good tv is usually left to die. This episode of family guy singlehandedly showed me that the industry of TV is absolutley dead in sensibility. Of pride, dignity, smarts, morality and many more things i cannot list.

Rant has concluded.
Damn, Family Guy was never usually that bad, but it still was pretty inappropriate (not that I really care or get offended) lol
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Ohhh dear this EPISODE! I recently watched The Mysterious Mr Enter review it on youtube and I was beyond surprised/disgusted with the plot and execution of this episode. It was just so... Wrong....for lack of a better word...
In the long scheme of things, it's really not that bad for Family Guy. I've seen worse on the show. Some of the jokes are just absolutely awful.
I have no problem with LGBTQA+ (I'm not typing out everyone because that would be a really long acronym.), but incest is where I draw the line. I don't watch Family Guy, so is this something that's normal in the show?
In the long scheme of things, it's really not that bad for Family Guy. I've seen worse on the show. Some of the jokes are just absolutely awful.

I would have to disagree. Wile there have been worse jokes, this episodes plot and execution makes the the most horrid episode ever to be pulled from jabba the huts anus.
I have no problem with LGBTQA+ (I'm not typing out everyone because that would be a really long acronym.), but incest is where I draw the line. I don't watch Family Guy, so is this something that's normal in the show?

Incest isnt a normal topic, from what i know. There has been some examples of it, but its not common.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yeah it's pretty normal for Family guy, but I haven't watched it in years.

I havent either.
Some people just have an extremely mature sense of humor, that's all. The things you mentioned in the spoilers ARE really vile, but I guess some people like that kind of gross humor? By the way, what was the name of that episode?
Some people just have an extremely mature sense of humor, that's all. The things you mentioned in the spoilers ARE really vile, but I guess some people like that kind of gross humor? By the way, what was the name of that episode?

Fresh heir
It's actually really common. Doesn't Megan have like some sort of attraction to Brian? lmao. Bestiality reference there.
It's actually really common. Doesn't Megan have like some sort of attraction to Brian? lmao. Bestiality reference there.

The show is wrong on so many levels. Its like an adult version of spongebob in how stupid it is
Family Guy is horrible, that episode doesn't even scratch the surface. Seth McFarlane is incredibly racist and not at all funny...
Well it's not their fault you people don't have a sense of humor and hate the show. (but that episode was bad)
If you have a problem with it don't watch it. Do you think they care about your personal feelings? They don't! So shut up about it and carry on with your lives.
Well it's not their fault you people don't have a sense of humor and hate the show. (but that episode was bad)
If you have a problem with it don't watch it. Do you think they care about your personal feelings? They don't! So shut up about it and carry on with your lives.

I have freedom to rant. Werther they care isnt any of my buisness. If you arent gonna contribute anything meaningful, go away.
Family Guy is horrible, that episode doesn't even scratch the surface. Seth McFarlane is incredibly racist and not at all funny...

Ye, Seth McFarlane himself is a pretty gross dude. Like okasan said, he's racist, and also pretty transphobic and homophobic (see the episode where Quagmire's dad comes out as a trans woman for some proof of that). The show's made some pretty offensive jokes in the past, such as making light of domestic violence, the bestiality thing, Meg in general, etc. The sad part is, there's a kid I know who thinks it's the pinnacle of American comedy and watches it religiously.
I'm disappointed. :| I was expecting this to be about, I don't know, the sexism/homophobia/transphobia/racism etc in the show (and let's not forget the pedophile)... You know, stuff that's actually an issue.

But nah. Just "EWWWWWW INCEST". :rolleyes:
I'm disappointed. :| I was expecting this to be about, I don't know, the sexism/homophobia/transphobia/racism etc in the show (and let's not forget the pedophile)... You know, stuff that's actually an issue.

But nah. Just "EWWWWWW INCEST". :rolleyes:

Incest is an issue. I think we can all agree that Family Guy is basically trash.
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