A really old Midlink fanfic I wrote for a friend a while back


Back from Hiatus (3/18/22)
Mar 12, 2016
Purple Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Pink Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Don't even know why I'm posting this here. anyways, maybe some of you will like it. Personally I shipped Ilia in TP, but whatever. Here you are. This was written a LLOOOONG time ago when I just started getting into writing so please take this with a grain of salt.

Midna stood, surveying her land of twilight from a rocky outcropping. It was beautiful, but it was all there is. She remembered her brief visit to the world of light, and the friends she had made there. In her left hand she clenched something tightly. bringing it close to her face, she began talking to it.

“Do you remember me?” She asked, not to anyone in particular. “Do you remember the day we met? Who would have known that we would have become such fast friends since that day? My world of twilight had corrrupted you, obscured your true form, and I had my own... ailments. At first, I used you. I cared not for you, but stubbornly lusted to return to my own world, my own time. I cared little of what happened to your world, only that mine was safe and secure.”

She laughed humorlessly. “What a fool I was. Light and shadow are two sides of the same coin: One cannot exist without the other. In tearing your world apart to get back to my own, I was not only hurting what you loved, but also my own home. And what kind of friend was I, that destroyed your world under the guise of friendship?”

She looked at her clenched fist. “But something happened one day. Something unexplainable. I was near death, and you were cursed, forced back into that accursed form the twilight brought upon you. But you carried me, carried me to safety when I thought salvation was out of the question. You brought me all the way to Zelda, and Zelda... Zelda gave the one gift I could not ask for: She gave up her life that I might have mine. It was then I realized how blessed I was to have found a friend in the world of light.”

“We spent many a time adventuring together. We found the fused shadows together, and, when that proved pointless, we rebuilt the gate back to my own world. We faced the Dark King, you and I. and we won.”

She smiled. “It was then that you saw me for who I truly was. And when you saw my true self, you were speechless. I spent a few days in the world of light with you, but it didn't last. It never could. Light and shadow cannot mix, as we all know. Before I knew it, it was time to say goodbye.”

“Something changed within me that day. I no longer longed for my world: Yours was beautiful.” She paused. “and so were you.” A single tear trickled down her face. “But I also loved your world enough to prevent bringing any more trouble upon you. I could not let my realm of twilight- beautiful as it is- to bring any more pain upon you. And so I shatt-” She started to sob. “I shattered our only connection, The Mirror of Twilight. We had spent so long making it. it was a testimony to our friendship. And yet I shattered it, and now we will never meet again.”

Her face stained with tears, she whispered into the dark, oppresive silence, “I loved you. I loved you, and yet I had to go. I was going to tell you. I came so close. But I thought it would only make my parting hurt more. So I never told you. And now you'll never know.”

She opened her fist, and nestled inside was a curious orange-and-black crystal. “But I'll never forget you. I kept this, so that I may never forget all of the pain you went through for my sake. Thank you, Link... May we meet again, in another life.”
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