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A Sadness Thread

Preach it sister.

Actually, the only people who are attracted to me are forty year old dudes, and most of the time they don't have teeth.

That's icky lol

Another problem I have is that my dad keeps spending all of my money on beer and cigarettes and I need to able to get a car and be able to afford an apartment in 2 years time and so far it doesn't look like that is going to happen if this continues.
-School tomorrow

-School is extremely stressful

-I have attention issues and I can't do anything until my homework is done

-Homework takes at least 4 hours to get done. Every. Night. (I know, it will get worse, I am only in middleschool)
-One of my closest friends recently started siding with the other people we would keep our distance from, now keeps calling me a d*****bag behind my back, telling my other friends he is sick of my bullcrap, and when I ask him what this "bullcrap" is so that I can stop doing whatever it is that is bugging him, he won't tell me. Then, when I am sick out of school he tells everyone I know "Thank GOD he (me) is gone today!" I am getting sick of him!"

-Run out of games me and this friend can play. I don't really care that he is being stupid, I just want a gaming partner again :( however, we have no games that both of us have that we can play together, or we do have some games we both have, but don't feel like playing them at all

-Animal Crossing isn't out yet

-There aren't many people I know in real life getting the game (I know there are people here I can play with but it is still nice to have an IRL friend who plays)

-I have state tests next week

-Schools are switching to Common Core Curriculum garbage that will involve MANY more tests to "assess" students

-My family will have to pay 8,000+ dollars to fix our roof, already in a *somewhat* tight situation with money, we obviously can't
splurge on that much stuff, but we get by pretty well (we are one of the luckier families in our area, someone in my town couldnt afford to drive 30 miles away, because of gas)

-I will probably need to do regents next year in school for the last two weeks, because I will most likely be taking advanced classes

-After I get out of school for the summer, there is one random day I have to go back to school for Spanish finals

-I am being really negative, and I don't like to be negative

-9 weeks left of school

-I am sick of the people IN school because I am in the age group where everyone is a hormonal freak
-Everything I have to do at home seems very boring, so my wait for animal crossing is going exceptionally slow, mostly because my friend is being stupid and won't play any video games with me or go outside to ride our bikes around town

-My only other guy friend that plays games (to an extent) has terrible internet with a bandwidth limit where he will be charged more and their internet speed will be clocked down if they exceed the limit, although he still wouldn't be that much fun to play games with because he isn't a crazy gamer or tech geek like my other friend.
Everybody who likes me isn't attractive....

you need to redefine your idea of beauty.. those "unattractive" people you are talking about have beautiful hearts (to even think of you as attractive).. you have no right to call them ugly.. sorry but no. i don't see what you're getting upset for, when you're the one being judgemental.. sorry but this is why i hate people

woah did bidoof actually just post something meaningful and somewhat mature? what has the world some to
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you need to redefine your idea of beauty.. those "unattractive" people you are talking about have beautiful hearts (to even think of you as attractive).. you have no right to call them ugly.. sorry but no. i don't see what you're getting upset for, when you're the one being judgemental.. sorry but this is why i hate people

woah did bidoof actually just post something meaningful and somewhat mature? what has the world some to

Oh wow. I agree completely.

Lovemcqueen, you are basically saying that no one likes you, except for the unattractive one. How do you think these "unattractive" people feel? At least you have admirers, where-as they may have non.

You need to be great-full that people like you. Because you could have it worse... What if no one liked you?

Here is how they basically feel -> "Everyone I like/love thinks I'm ugly"
you need to redefine your idea of beauty.. those "unattractive" people you are talking about have beautiful hearts (to even think of you as attractive).. you have no right to call them ugly.. sorry but no. i don't see what you're getting upset for, when you're the one being judgemental.. sorry but this is why i hate people

woah did bidoof actually just post something meaningful and somewhat mature? what has the world some to

Oh wow. I agree completely.

Lovemcqueen, you are basically saying that no one likes you, except for the unattractive one. How do you think these "unattractive" people feel? At least you have admirers, where-as they may have non.

You need to be great-full that people like you. Because you could have it worse... What if no one liked you?

Here is how they basically feel -> "Everyone I like/love thinks I'm ugly"

Umm, I'm sorry that I don't find them attractive? Last time I checked, I didn't have too like everyone who likes me. I actually do give most people who like me a chance instead of just basing if off of appearance. Most of them turn out to be creepy depressing people who end up asking me for sexual favors. And I didn't call them ugly. I said they weren't attractive to me. That was the least rude thing I could have said.
I'm awkward around women. I'm actually doubting if I'm actually going to ever have a relationship, because the longer I go without finding anyone, the more awkward and desperate I become. I'm quickly growing tired of being alone, and I just want some kind of sign that will tell me that any girl will actually want to be with me. Even if we don't end up together, I just want to know that it might happen someday.
Juicebox it will. I don't know how old you are, nor does it matter to be honest, but I was in my early twenties before I had a relationship.

Do not be awkward and do not be desperate-this will attract you the wrong type of person (and don't I know it). Be confident and be you, if someone wants you, it'll be because of who you really are, not because you'll be settling for less than you deserve. She's there, she's just waiting until you're ready for her...

(Yes, it's cheesy and yes it's cliched, but it's true!)
Just speaking for the fugly people for a moment, we have hearts too. You guys just haven't found the right fugly yet.
We can be the sweetest kindest people who only want love.
Look at me,
In mid school, a girl found out I liked her and every time I saw her after that for 2 years she screamed "eww!" At me.

Look at me now!
I'm married, 2 kids
I have a alright body with one pack abbs and I can bench press well over a doble box of milk!
Things can turn around.

O.. Ill post my own sad post soon.
two beautiful women love me

my wallet is too small for my $50's

and my diamond shoes are too tight! (thats Chandler from Friends)

This thread makes me feel really bad for a lot of you. Buck up.
two beautiful women love me

my wallet is too small for my $50's

and my diamond shoes are too tight! (thats Chandler from Friends)

This thread makes me feel really bad for a lot of you. Buck up.

Here is your fix, really this one is easy.

Dump one girl

Get a money clip, or even a rubber band

And don't wear diamond shoes, you will get mugged.

Rooster helps again!
Just gonna vent my boring little heart out.
It's pretty personal but I need to get this off of my chest |:

This is the first time I've actually expressed these annoyances so here goes
-I've run out of fluoxetine which is resulting in reversed effects.
- I'm being admitted yet again for one of my disorders.
- My dad constantly gets on my case because I'm 'not well'.
- I may be diagnosed with schiz.
- My best friend vowed to help me through it all but he prefers to be there for other people instead.
- I rarely go to school because of the paranoia and illnesses which is resulting in failure of classes and my family falling apart.
- I'm literally sick of worrying about my weight.

I'm sorry for burdening everybody with my stupid troubles, I know, I'm a pretty depressive person v_v'
I just failed a class because there is nowhere to upload my final exam project to my teacher, it wont go through email cuz its too large and im not at school to upload through it through the schools server and its due today.

Yay me.
My entire class failed our math test today over probability. The teacher treats us like we have doctorates in math and never will go over the examples in depth. He also will tell us, "Oh you all don't need to know those axioms and that theorem for the test." <- They end up on the test -_-. I heard he's retiring soon though so I hope I never have him again.
My entire class failed our math test today over probability. The teacher treats us like we have doctorates in math and never will go over the examples in depth. He also will tell us, "Oh you all don't need to know those axioms and that theorem for the test." <- They end up on the test -_-. I heard he's retiring soon though so I hope I never have him again.

I had a teacher like that once.
One guy passed though... The one who called him out on it and stood up to him.
Maybe he's looking for someone to stand up to him?
He did it in mid test though.
My entire class failed our math test today over probability. The teacher treats us like we have doctorates in math and never will go over the examples in depth. He also will tell us, "Oh you all don't need to know those axioms and that theorem for the test." <- They end up on the test -_-. I heard he's retiring soon though so I hope I never have him again.

That reminds me of this one English teacher I had. He would walk into class everyday and tell us what failures we were and how all of us were worthless. He would then proceed to give us no work, and we would sit in class for an hour and a half and do nothing. We would be given the task to read a 100 page book, but he would stretch it our for about two months so it would be like only a couple pages a day.

Then he would yell at the kids who failed the test.
Okay!!! I know we're sad!!! We are a sad bunch. And we have every right to be! Or, we could try to be happy. Cheer up, everyone! It has to get better eventually, right?