A Strangely Coincidental Dream I Had...

Chocolate Rose

Senior Member
Sep 27, 2013
Several years ago, I had a dream about Animal Crossing.
In the dream, the characters were able to go swimming. I woke up and though it would be a really cool idea if the characters could swim on the next AC game!
......And then, it was announced that characters would be able to swim on New Leaf.
I thought it was really strange that I'd dreamed about it before it happened. XD Has anyone else had an experience like this, or has dreamed about Animal Crossing before?
How on earth did you remember this from years ago?

Idk, I'm just like that. XD If I have a dream that made an impact on me in some way, I usually remember it. I remember several nightmares I had when I was only 4 or 5. I somehow managed to remember this dream as well. XD
I dreamed about DSi and DSi XL I'm at farobi's house playing DSi, and I'm going to have DSi then a year ago it did dafuq....
You have good memory :eek: i used to dream a lot about animal crossing and it was like a morph of the real world and wild world so it was strange but somehow i still have that image in my brain