A T-shirt I made for a contest at school.


Ms. Jentacular
Nov 16, 2008
Silver Mailbox
My school has an event every year called Field Day with competitions and sports. 2 teams compete, maroon and black. Everyone wears a t-shirt and my elective (graphic design) is having a contest to see who's design gets picked. The judge is the "dean of students" who isn't very nice. We're only allowed to use white because it's cheapest to print. Our mascot is a lion. Here is the design in maroon, I didn't make it in black. Constructive criticism please.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">[
Uhh, well i'm not really sure how to make this constructive... But it almost looks like you doodled on the shirt =L The paws on the sleeves are nice.
The lion being off-center kinda bugs me. Otherwise, I think it looks pretty good.
Field day in MS? lul lul lul

The t-shirt is a bit girlish and the lion looks like a rooster. I like the idea about the paws on the sides of the t-shirt but what looks stupid is the "FIELD DAY 2010". I would advise you to put it on the back and the students (if possible).
I find it to be kinda bad. I think that the "cute doodle" shirts are ugly, they look like compete crap.

I would say that if you just lay out text nice it would look good.
The text is too big, make it smaller, then align the lion at the center as best as you can.
Definetly change the font and put "FIELD DAY 2010" on the back. Make the lion a little more realistic... Hmmm that's basically it.
John102 said:
Thunderstruck said:
John102 said:
CherryTree said:

It's not hard, just make it a render and slap it on...
But uh, would that be kinda... Illegal? :s
It's not like they're selling the shirt...or are they?
They're not selling it, but it has to be completely white. What exactly does it mean to make a render of something?