Da Biggest Bears Fan!
I've seen a lot of Newbie signature makers make one mistake, have a detailed proofread of their signature. I always make sure my signature ACTUALLY looks nice, make sure there's flow, depth, enough effects, etc. I don't want to be making a signature really quick with no effort, I spend at the least 40 Minutes on my signatures, signatures these days look like they took 5 minutes, then posted on TBT to brag they make graphics. Well honestly, just at least give a detailed check of your signature, here's some questions to it.
Are you proud of it?
Did you feel like you accomplish something?
and most important, Did you learn from it?
All these questions are pretty helpful in giving a proofread of your signature, oh yeah, and also NEVER USE BRUSHES TO MAKE YOUR BACKGROUND! (Use a nature/city/etc. stock or use the gradient tool or anything that's not brushes.) Brushes look unprofessional and are only to be used on certain layers for helping detail on most sigs.
Are you proud of it?
Did you feel like you accomplish something?
and most important, Did you learn from it?
All these questions are pretty helpful in giving a proofread of your signature, oh yeah, and also NEVER USE BRUSHES TO MAKE YOUR BACKGROUND! (Use a nature/city/etc. stock or use the gradient tool or anything that's not brushes.) Brushes look unprofessional and are only to be used on certain layers for helping detail on most sigs.