A trick with the pipes (4th layer travel)


Forced to stay. Will work on being better. :>
Mar 21, 2016
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Hihi! So, this is a thing I haven't seen anyone else talking about, but if you use the 4th layer bug (you can clip into the 4th layer and place furniture, items, etc.) and place a pipe you would be able to freely travel to the 4th layer without online mode, and maybe some shenanigans can ensue? I'm curious if this will open up the 4th layer to all players, or if the update will end up fixing the 4th layer stuff entirely. Either way, has anyone else thought about this?
I thought about this too, though I imagine all known 4th level glitches will be patched with the update (as usually happens) so we might have to wait until a new one is found. Although I don't exactly want to leave a pipe on my top level, and I've already made it entirely occupied space so not sure if it'd add much value to me. But that one person on twitter who moved their house onto the 4th level is probably super psyched.

Similarly there are ways to get items in your river too. But in both cases I'd be weary of future updates screwing with things.
Maybe you'll get stuck on a neverending black screen during the warp. :D
I guess it will be patched. It wouldn't surprise however if they forgot about it and we gonna see some reports of people having trouble with the 4th level while using the warp pipe and Nintendo release shortly after another update to fix it. I still wondering to this day why the 4th level even exist if you can't do anything with it. Having a cliff which you can't reach "officially" is completely useless imo. I would welcome it if it would finally being turned into an area which you can actually use.

Similarly there are ways to get items in your river too. But in both cases I'd be weary of future updates screwing with things.
Hold up, items in the river? I've never heard of this, is this a new glitch? I only saw someone once being able to glitch their character into the river, but not in connection with placing items in it.
TBH I doubt they'll allow us to use it officially, but I'm also not sure they'll patch it, just because I can't see how they'd fix it for the players who have glitched houses and whatnot up there. With the hacked trees, they could just turn them back into normal trees, but I can't really think of any fix for the houses. Doing something like opening up the 5th level just expands the problem, and anything else I could think of would be basically game-breaking.

That being said, I wish they'd let us just decorate normally up there, even if we can't place houses or bridges and inclines. I know it's meant to mimic the cliffs we had and couldn't access in previous games, but they did have greenery and water up there. Just a barren cliff is sort of boring.

Similarly there are ways to get items in your river too. But in both cases I'd be weary of future updates screwing with things.
Hold up, items in the river? I've never heard of this, is this a new glitch? I only saw someone once being able to glitch their character into the river, but not in connection with placing items in it.
I might be wrong, but I think it was an old glitch they patched out pretty quickly.
This would be cool, although my 4th tiers are very small and are already fully decorated with trees and bushes. Since my island is mostly on the 2nd tier, it feels like the 4th one is just the 3rd tier ingame. Putting a pipe up there would be cool.