Gallery A Window into Qvaria... ~ Spring line now available ~


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2014
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust

Hi all,

I've not long since started experimenting with the pro design function. I've been looking around various other threads recently to see what people are posting, and my save slots are filling up with pro designs that no one has ever seen before. Some of them I am proud of, and some of them I'm sort of... not, but I'm going to post as many as I can.

I've done a bit of seasonal work as well as playing around with different techniques; flowers, lace, plaid, ombre, ruffles and so on. I'm always looking for new ideas, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know. My designs aren't great yet, but I would love your feedback.

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I got the inspiration for this from another QR code I saw. It was supposed to look like my year 10 formal dress but the sequencing was too elaborate, so I went for something plainer.

dress 1.jpgdress 2.jpgdress 3.jpgdress 4.jpg

This one was originally meant to be for the mannequin in my kitchen, but didn't end up putting it in. It is rather plain, but sort of cute.

dress 2.0 1.jpgdress 2.0 2.jpgdress 2.0 3.jpgdress 2.0 4.jpg
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I saw a great tutorial for a ruffled skirt, so this is what I decided to make. I'm fairly happy with the end result.
dress 3.0 1.jpgdress 3.0 2.jpgdress 3.0 3.jpgdress 3.0 4.jpg
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That color choice is amazing! Would you please link the tutorial for the ruffled skirt that you used? :D
This was inspired by Elsa's ice queen dress from Disney's FROZEN, except I've done it in pink instead of blue.
dress 1.jpgdress 2.jpgdress 3.jpgdress 3.0.jpg

And this one is a wedding dress I made just to try out some new techniques.
dress 4.0 1.jpgdress 4.0 2.jpgdress 4.0 3.jpgdress 4.0 4.jpg
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One constructive criticsm... I really love the wedding dress but because it is so white, during the day time hours you cant see all the pretty details. It becomes just a bright white dress. At night time, its quite nice, though. I think its a better wedding dress then the ones in game actually.
Oh my gosh, your pro designs are so amazing! ;; I will follow you for further Pro Designs! You make me want to make some more of Stuff of my own. :3 Thank you for inspiring me!
This one is just a plain grey blouse. The design for me was more in the skirt. I'm not entirely happy with the colours that I've used, so if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.


The next one is a plain, collared blouse with a cardigan and a flared skirt. The colours are the way they are because it's for Windsor, my second resident, but if you want me to recolour it, I can do that.


This one is fairly plain. I was testing out the lattice design in the bodice, so there's been no work done to the skirt. The image I used as inspiration had a pleated skirt, but I couldn't seem to get the right effect, so I've just left it for now. I'll have a play around with different colours later, but this is it in pink for now.


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you are so good at making dresses! I really like the green flared skirt and the under the sea ones. :) Every time I try to make a dress it doesn't work out and I end up giving up D: I really want to make some thoo
If you compare my designs to some other people's, you'll see I'm not very good at it, either. A lot of the better designs are based off a picture or were inspired by a tutorial.
I know this dress may seem odd, especially since the back and front of the skirt are different, but the original was like that, and it was important for me to achieve the same effect.


The next one is quite lame, but Static was the last remaining original in my town, and he moved out unexpectedly. I discovered that he'd moved into my friend's town, so there was hope that I might get him back, but he moved out before I could cycle out sixteen villagers, so I'd lost him. I made this after he moved out.


This one is just something a conjured while I was bored. I saw something similar posted on someone's tumblr account and decided to put my own spin on it.

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I went through a bit of an ombre stage. Some look better than others. I'm still playing around with the technique. Ombre, I find, is one of those things that looks a lot better on. They're all pink, a colour I find challenging to work with when using the ombre technique. Any suggestions for different colours I could try would be appreciated.



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Wow, these are really impressive! I adore this latest batch of ombre you've made. The transitions are so smooth and soft. I suggest trying out new color ramps! Like, instead of doing "light color to dark color", play around with combining different colors together for a different effect. Orange to purple is a good one! And yellow to pink would work too. Experiment, I'm sure they'll come out great! :>
Question about the thread format. On the 17th post, are you able to see the things you put up? Because I just see them as "Attachment---". Usually the posts only allow for up to 15 images each.
Also, if you wanna know how to remove accidental "attached images," you can edit the post, click Go Advanced, and at the bottom it will give you the option to "Manage Attachments," click that and you should be able to delete the ones you don't need.
Sorry if you already know this stuff, just trying to help.

Other than that, good job on these! They look pretty cool! :lemon:
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