Aaaand another newbie

Vanilly Lilly

Aug 29, 2015
Pear (Fruit)
Hello :blush:

Im also new into the game and having lots of fun. A friend of mine gave me the link to this forum and whooo... here i am :)
Im a 22 year old designer and i actually speak a pretty bad english so dont mind the mistakes xD

See you around
Dang you can actually form complete sentences with a different language, that's awesome OvO, and hiya! Welcome to tbt forums even though I'm kinda new myself hehe, what kind of things do you design? o3o Seeya around~
Didnt expect such a fast answer O_O Hehe im trying my best but i often make really hilarious mistakes its pretty funny
Im into graphic design
Yeah I'm usually really fast in responding to threads that just opened it's like my nature, sorry if I scared you haha! And yeah I often say mistakes in different languages like "are you tea?" "take my face" so you're pretty good :) And that's cool! What other language do you speak?
Welcome! You'll have no problems with impatient people here. Everyone is really friendly and we don't mind a few spelling or grammar errors. :)