

Jan 2, 2009
Hello ppl =) Well here is a description of my town that i just updated. If you would like to trade FC just reply here or PM me and i will add u after i've been added. I get on often so u'll see me on. So anyways... here's the info =)

Native Fruit: Cherries
Fruit in Town: Cherries, Apples, Oranges, Pears, Peaches, Coconuts (all) i have ALOT of trees.
Museum: I have most fossils, alot of fish and bugs.. and a few paintings
Nook's: Nookingtons

Timezone: Eastern
House Size: Well, like i said in the last topic i posted, i've been working on my house cuz i decided i wanted more space lol.. right now i just got my basement
Roof Color: purple
Interior design: First room has the Lovely Collection and my second room's theme is "scientific". I have a moon and asteroids and lab tables =) cooler than it sounds
Town upgrade: Fountain and third bridge

Town rules:
1. I'm not that picky, but be reasonable =)
2. NO flower stealing
3. No i will not force u to walk or follow paths.... just dont run over the flowers! =) and im serious about that lol
4. Want something? Ask. =) you'll probably get it
5. If you're cool, add me ;)

Item want list:
1. Cool people =)
2. Flowers make me happy =) come over with one lol
3. Any item you don't mind giving

This town is shared with three other ppl so all houses are pretty uprgraded. We'll have planty of houses to chill at =)