About members' ACNL Tumblrs...

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Wounded Orb
Sep 15, 2013
Winter Mittens
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
I am really loving this forum and all the great folks here. I am interested, now that I've signed up for Tumblr (I don't HAVE one, I signed up just to look) is it okay to make a thread and ask people here who have ACNL or largely ACNL Tumblrs and if so would they post a link so I can go and have a look and maybe Follow?

Was it okay to ask this here? I made a mistake and asked in the general New Leaf Questions sticky, and then realized it wasn't really about the game itself, but about peoples' Tumblrs about it.
Well, the placements a bit tricky since it has something to do with New Leaf and with Tumblr which is offtopic.

But since it doesn't have anything to do with game directly, brewsters would probably be the place to ask. It would also be important to note that we already have threads asking for tumblrs, and have had a few before it.


Just remember to post that your tumblr is for ACNL.

It's important to remember not to post redundant topics. :) Happy posting.
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We don't usually like people to advertize their Tumblrs in public so if you are interested in someone Tumblr, please ask them in private.
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